Caleb and Emily Christiansen Prayer Letter: Return to the FieldWe just had a great trip out to the Midwest. I was able to see family I hadn’t seen for a long time, in some cases, nearly five years. We enjoyed reporting to some of our supporting churches and also presenting our ministry to a few new churches. We are so grateful that we were able to see four more churches vote to take on the work going on in Nigeria.

Thank you to everyone who has continued to pray for Emily’s health. Many churches that we have visited on furlough have told us that they have been continuing to pray. She is on a good regimen that has been helping her get to full health. We are praying that all of our health will stay strong as we return to Nigeria.

In the middle of August, our Bible college returned for another semester. We now have 39 students, with 7 new students. The Lord has continued to bless the college with this high enrollment. Emily especially has been working to develop our ladies’ curriculum for the college, as interest from ladies to attend has been increasing. I can’t wait to get back and continue my in-person role in their training.

Please pray as we prepare to return to Nigeria on October 14. Many times as we get in the car to somewhere, Emma has asked, “Are we going to Nigeria? I want to go back to Nigeria.” Each time I’ve had to tell her, “Not yet, Emma,” all the while wishing the same thing in my own heart. But that time is finally approaching. Please pray as we prepare to return. There are a lot of details to organize and things to pack. Please pray that our reentry will be smooth, especially as our next Ladies’ Conference will be just two weeks after we arrive.

That all the world may know,

Caleb Christiansen

FBMI Missionary Caleb Christiansen Prayer Letter Picture

39 students in our Bible college this semester–7 of whom are new