Luis and Carolina Martinez Prayer Letter: A Busy SummerDaniel 12:3 says, “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.” I pray that when you receive this letter, you are doing well, along with your family and loved ones. My family and I are doing very well, and we are so blessed to serve the Lord Jesus Christ here in Puerto Rico. Our son Jose went back to Hawaii and is planning to serve the Lord there for another year. He will be back home for Christmas break.

Summer has been super busy, and now we are preparing for our Fall Program. Recently, we had a group from Eastland Baptist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, come to Puerto Rico and help us conduct Vacation Bible School. Spanish Pastor Walter Echevarria and Youth Pastor Andrew Calabrese did a phenomenal job organizing the Vacation Bible School and canvassing the area. Many were saved during VBS, and I’m thankful for those who have remained in church.

Pastor Patrick Boyle and Revival Baptist Church of Clermont, Florida, also brought a group to Puerto Rico and were able to serve in our church. They, too, canvassed the area, gave out the Gospel, and preached for us; and many were sweetly saved. I’m so thankful for the fruit that remains.

I thank God for Maribel, who was saved during our Sunday school hour and followed the Lord in believer’s baptism. I’m also thankful for Jason, Rafael, William, and Vicente, who were also saved in one of our services.

Hurricane Ernesto passed by the island. It left us with so much rain, and the island was without electricity for several days. Our church has prepared throughout the years with generators, diesel, water tanks, satellite internet, and storage goods. Because of that, our church remained open, helping those in need. I was surprised when our city mayor called and asked if we could open up our properties and facilities and help them and the Salvation Army distribute water and food to those in need. We immediately accepted, and hundreds of people came to our church for help.

My wife and daughter will be traveling to the United States shortly to get some much-needed tests and lab work done. They are both struggling health-wise, and we covet your prayers. We are very encouraged by the progress our daughter has made, but she still needs to continue recovering and getting better. Thank you to so many of you who contact us to let us know you are praying for our family.


• Souls saved and baptized
• Church growth and its ministries
• Fall Program

May God continue to bless you as you serve Him faithfully. It is an honor to represent you in Puerto Rico. I look forward to what the Lord has in store for us throughout the rest of this year. Thank you very much for your love, prayers, and faithful support. I understand these are tough economic times. THANK YOU FOR HOLDING THE ROPES AND FOR YOUR SACRIFICE. God bless you.

In Christ,

Luis M. Martinez