Ben and Becky Turner Update: Blessings in Our Gospel Farsi MinistryLast July, we had a Farsi Evangelistic Conference. Since that time, we have restarted a dedicated class for Farsi speakers. I was leading the class with an interpreter until my health would no longer allow it, but God had already provided us with someone who could step in and lead the class. Y___ and S___ V___ have been greatly used by the LORD to lead the class since October of last year. The Gospel Farsi Ministry meets every Sunday at 2:00 p.m. and every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. (Zoom meeting).

Tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. PST, Brother Yasin will be meeting with three new attendees: A___ N___, S___ G___, and F___ K___. He will be sharing the Gospel with them. Please pray for their hearts to be open to the truth.

Since last July, by the grace of God, we have seen 29 Farsi speakers accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour—22 locally and 7 from our online presence. To God be all the glory!!

Thank you for supporting the work of the LORD here in Vancouver!

God bless you!

Ben and Becky Turner

PS. Thank you for praying for Brother Yasin. He just sent me a message that A___, S___, and F___ (the three new attendees mentioned above) all trusted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour! To God be all the glory!