James and Linda Belisle Prayer Letter: 2 Trips, 2 Revivals and 3 Conferences!I always appreciate it when you pray for me. I need your prayers, as God continues to keep me busy. Upon my return from the Philippines, Linda and I immediately drove to Marion, Indiana, so I could preach in a Missions Conference for Pastor Ron Hon. Missionary Evangelist Caleb Amoros, his wife Abby, and their child were there presenting their ministry. It is a joy for me to meet young men who are willing to take on a ministry like I have had for 27 years. We had a wonderful time. I am told the church was able to raise their promised giving for missions. Praise the Lord!

During our few weeks back home, we helped plan for and participated in our church’s Our Time Youth Conference. We had a packed-out auditorium; I believe there were more attendees than ever before. At each invitation, the altar was full, and many decisions were made. Our prayer is that those young people will stay true to the decisions they made during the conference.

My next trip was to Guatemala. I have preached for Missionary Angel Lopez many times in the past. This time, Angel had me come to preach a revival in San Jose Pinula. His goal is to start a new church in that city since he already has a group of people who come from that city to his existing church. We had 40 or more people come on each of the 3 nights, with 3 people getting saved.

After spending a couple of days with our oldest daughter and her family in Missouri, I flew down to Puerto Rico. Linda was supposed to come with me, but she fractured her ankle while we were with Beth Ann. This prevented her from flying. During my time in Puerto Rico, I drove over 700 miles so I could visit 3 missionaries: Missionary Roberto Tirado, Missionary Jerrod Montgomery, and Missionary Luis Martinez. I was humbled as I listened to their stories while visiting with these men of God.

Three days after arriving home, we went to Indiana so I could teach in the FBMI Candidate School. We had 12 candidates, 8 of whom had already been on a mission field or were born on the mission field. There was a wonderful spirit throughout the week. I taught 6 sessions and enjoyed getting to know the couples. We believe God will use these fine couples greatly in the future. The day the school finished, we drove to Michigan, where I preached a revival for Pastor Steve Lang. During my stay with him, I preached my 100th sermon at this church. I am honored when a pastor allows me to minister to his people almost yearly. Thank you, Pastor Lang, for that honor!

When home, I continue to teach the French Sunday school class. Because bus captains faithfully visit each week, the class has gone from averaging 12 in March to averaging 40 this month. I try to visit people from the class when possible. On June 26, when visiting one of the class members, I had the privilege of leading his brother, Exhauce, to Christ. I do believe he is happy he got saved. Thank you again for praying.

Your servant,

Missionary Evangelist James Belisle