Thank you for praying and pulling for us and the ministries here in Thailand! We are happy to report some of the blessings God brought forth this month. First off, we thank you again for your continued giving towards the IBC-Nong Phlap church’s land and property project. God has brought $27,000 through Godly givers from the recent report. We’re told that more is on the way. We have several land plots identified, and we’re praying for God’s wisdom and timing, upon funding arrival. Our people are so grateful, and they thank you for your heart, care, and sacrifice.
On a Wednesday night after church, one of our members relayed a story of a family who had to flee a flooded and difficult workplace. This family had worked for the employer for months, but they were not getting paid. The whole situation put the family in somewhat of a slavery atmosphere. The family decided to leave (or escape) during a flood, and they ended up living next door to another church member. We went to visit them the next day. Lopway, the church member, was able to get the mom and dad a job right away working construction. However, their house was completely empty. They owned nothing except a couple changes of clothes. The church was able to help with food, a fan, and a rice cooker. Sarah was able to give their two boys, Dekthai (age 10) and Prikthai (age 12), the Gospel, and they came to church on Sunday. While we were visiting, we learned that another neighbor couple had never heard the Gospel. Star and I gave the Gospel to this couple, and they were sweetly saved, along with Lopdee, the dad of the two boys. The neighbor couple claimed a false religion; but the truth, power, and love of the Gospel affected their hearts to turn to God for salvation and hope. Praise the Lord!
The month of April had a great focus on missionaries. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” (Matthew 28:19-20) Since the church went full-time in June of 2020, we have been saving towards this drive for missions. Earlier, we began supporting a Baptist Burmese orphanage of 25 children and workers, which we still support. This month we began support for two missionaries. The Bro. Philip Pope family was first. Our people loved hearing Bro. Pope’s Spirit-filled message, full of boldness and grace. Over 60 people attended that night. Bro. Pope has continually trained and supported many Thai national pastors since setting foot on Thailand soil in 1978. One of these men trained the second missionary our church opted to support. Bro. Kampai, a 14-year pastor, working in a nearby country in Southeastern Asia, is also a church planter, soul winner, and dedicated servant for God. Bro. Kampai gave his testimony and boldly preached to an attentive crowd of 70. This was a new record for our Wednesday night service. Both missionaries have endured great trials in their work for God, but even with those hardships, both men are happily optimistic and cheerfully willing to teach and be an example. We praise the Lord for these men and are excited to support them and their precious families.
On April 20, our Nong Phlap soul-winning efforts started by helping a family whose mom has been struggling from a motorcycle accident. For families like these, church members who care and love them means far more than food donations. Pen was grateful for our visit and the food given as she sat outside her home next to the chicken farm. Pen’s mom was there that day, along with two of her stepsisters. I asked my daughter Harmony to take them through the Gospel so they could hear about the saving grace of Jesus. Harmony willingly gave the good news of salvation while Star translated. All three ladies were saved. Harmony was so happy. April 20 is also Harmony’s spiritual birthday. What a great gift God gave her in leading her first souls to the Lord.
The Nong Phlap church saw Sunday attendances in April exceeding 125, with first-time visitors each week. Discipleship continues with Teaching All Nations, Lesson 37. Twenty-eight souls were saved throughout the month during soul winning and church. We thank God for His blessings, power, and grace. We thank you all for loving the Lord!
Grateful to serve,
Bro. Chad Inman & Family