Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: A Visit from My Mom!For the first part of October, we had the blessing of having my mother come and visit us for just over two weeks. We had just moved into our new home in Kitengela, and then six days later, my mom was here! It was a blessing to see her, spend much time with her, and show her some of Kenya. The time we spent together went by very fast. Before we knew it, it was the 25th of the month, and I flew out to Ghana, while she flew back home.

One of the highlights for our family this month was from Hannah while she and her siblings were playing at a playhouse. I was sitting and talking with my mom when Hannah came up to us and introduced us to a friend she had made while playing. The next thing I knew, Hannah was telling us how her friend Zuri wanted to be saved. So, Ali was able to sit down with Zuri and talk to her for a while. Sadly, Zuri did not come to trust in Christ alone as her personal Saviour, but I’m so honored to see Hannah’s desire and zeal to tell others about Jesus Christ!

Thank you all for your faithful prayers for Lewis and me as we meet for discipleship. He has returned from his family trip upcountry, and we have been meeting again every week for discipleship. It has been such a blessing to see the growth in Lewis week after week and to see his love for the truth of God’s Word!

As mentioned before, on the 25th of this month, I flew out to Ghana. For the last week of October, I was able to follow Missionary Ted Speer around and see much of Team Ghana and their ministries in Kumasi, Ghana. I’m very thankful that I was able to visit and see their ministries, for I can see now how God has used this trip to teach me many useful tools for the ministry in Kenya. I will forever be grateful for all that I learned from Ted Speer and the ministry of Team Ghana. After my time spent with Team Ghana in Kumasi, I was able to meet up there with the American medical missionary team that I was going to work with in Wa, Ghana. Now, for the rest of the news from my Ghana trip, you will just have to stay tuned till next month’s prayer letter!

As always, our family thanks you for your faithfulness. May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving with family and friends. God bless you.

Your co-laborers for lost souls across East Africa,

Brandon & Ali Heselschwerdt
Jeffrey, Hannah, & Esther
Romans 10:14


Brandon and Ali Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: A Visit from My Mom!Mwanzoni mwa Oktoba tulibarikiwa kuwa na mama yangu kuja na kutembelea wetu kwa wiki mbili. Tumehamia kwenye nyumba yetu mpya katika Kitengela na siku sita baadaye mama wangu alikuja Hapa! ilikuwa baraka kumwona na kuwa na muda naye na kumwonyesha Kenya. Muda tuliokaa pamoja ulienda haraka sana na kabla hatujajua ilikuwa tarehe Ishirini na tano ya mwezi na nilisafiri na ndege kwenda Ghana na mama yangu akarudi nyumbani.

Moja ya mambo muhimu kutoka familia yetu mwezi huu ilikuwa kutoka Hana alipokuwa akacheza kwenye nyumba ya michezo. Nimekaa na kuongea na mama wangu wakati Hana alikuja kwetu na rafiki wake ambaye alikutana naye wakati akicheza na kumtambulisha kwetu. Kisha Hana akatuambia jinsi rafiki wake (Zuri) alitaka kuokolewa. Kwa hiyo, Ali aliweza kukaa chini na Zuri na kuzungumza naye kwa muda. Kwa bahati mbaya, Zuri hakuja kumwamini Kristo pekee kama Mwokozi wake lakini nina heshima sana kuona hamu na bidii ya Hana kuwaambia wengine kuhusu Yesu Kristo!

Asanteni nyote kwa maombi yenu kwa Lewis nami kukutana kwa ufuasi. Alirudi kutoka safari kuona familia wake na tumeweza kukutana tena kila wiki kwa ufuasi. Imekuwa baraka sana kuona ukuzi katika Lewis juma baada ya juma na upendo wake kwa kweli ya Neno la Mungu!

Kama nilivyokwisha sema, tarehe ishirini na tano mwezi huu nilisafiri kwa ndege kuelekea Ghana. Kwa wiki ya mwisho ya Oktoba niliweza kumfuata Mmisionari Ted Speer karibu na kuona sehemu kubwa ya Timu ya Ghana na huduma zao Katika Kumasi, Ghana. Ninashukuru sana kwamba niliweza kuwatembelea na kuona huduma zao kwa maana sasa ninaweza kuona jinsi Mungu ametumia safari hii kwangu kujifunza zana nyingi muhimu kwa ajili ya huduma nchini Kenya. Nitashukuru milele kwa yote niliyojifunza kutoka Ted Speer na wizara ya Timu ya Ghana. Baada ya muda wangu na Timu ya Ghana katika Kumasi niliweza kukutana na timu ya wamishenari ambao kutoka Amerika na ambao nilikuwa kwenda kufanya kazi nao katika Wa, Ghana. Sasa, kwa habari zaidi kutoka safari yangu ya Ghana, itabidi kusubiri hadi miezi ijayo
Barua ya Maombi!

Kama kawaida familia yetu tunamshukuru kwa uaminifu wenu. Ninaatumai una Shukrani yenye baraka pamoja na familia na marafiki na Mungu akubariki.

Wafanya kazi wenu kwa roho wanapotea katika mashariki Afrika,

Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hana, na Esta Heselschwerdt
Warumi mlango wa kumi na mstari wa kumi