Mailing Address |
Micah Christiansen c/o FBMI 507 State Street Hammond, IN 46320 |
fbmi.org/teams | |
Phone Number |
(219) 713-1666 |
Email Address |
micah.christiansen@fbmi.org |
In my last letter, I asked you to pray for our Christmas program. We did the same play for both our school and our church’s Christmas Day service (almost every church in Ghana has a service on the morning of Christmas Day). At the end of the school’s rendition of the play, a handful of people raised their hands that they were choosing to trust Jesus instead of their works to get them to Heaven. Thank you for praying.
Ghana had its elections in December, and for the first time since I have been in Ghana, the government changed hands to a different party. Thankfully, there was very little violence and none near us. On the election day itself, I went looking for a chance to witness to somebody. I saw a young man selling food, but it wasn’t a mealtime, so business was slow. However, he was listening to his rap music very loudly and looked like an imitation American gangster. I was about to walk right past him when God nudged my heart to talk to him. I thought, “The music is too loud. We won’t be able to talk.” God replied, “You can give him a tract.” I went to give him a tract, and he immediately turned his music off! It turned out that Akwasi was a very polite and interested young man who willingly listened to the Gospel and professed his faith in Jesus Christ. God keeps reminding me of what I should already know: you can’t tell who is interested by looking at them. We should give everyone a chance.
I have started another round of soul-winning training for children. Teaching children how to give the Gospel takes much time and much repetition, but it is so rewarding to see them use what they learn. Please pray for this group to learn and be faithful.
As of the end of January, my family has been in Ghana for eight years! I am so thankful for getting to serve in such a great ministry with so many wonderful Christians. Our team of missionaries has been nothing but a blessing to my family, and our Ghanaian church family has been so loving. I am here to teach, but often, I learn. Thank you for partnering with us in the work! I trust that God will richly reward you, as He has dealt so richly with us.
Fruit to Your Account
I was with some teenage boys from our church. They were all witnessing to someone, and I was also looking for an opportunity to talk to somebody, when an elderly man started yelling at one of the teenagers named Jesse.
I went to see if I could find out what the problem was. The man was upset because he had heard Jesse saying that it is not Jesus and our works that gets us to Heaven; it is only Jesus Who can get us to Heaven. As I talked to the man, he did calm down, but he was not willing to listen. He did talk at length before I could get myself out of the conversation. One thing I could tell from what the man was saying: he had under-stood what Jesse was saying correctly; he merely rejected it. He did not believe Jesus alone could get us to Heaven.
I walked away feeling thankful that God has allowed me to train young people like Jesse to be able to explain the Gospel clearly. Jesse goes to our school, learned how to give the Gospel from some teaching at the school, and has gained experience witnessing at multiple Bible Clubs we have done. I was also thankful that while I was being talked at by the man, Jesse was able to finish leading the teenager to Christ!
Yours for souls,
Micah Christiansen
By the time you read this letter, you will be into the Christmas season. I always find the Christmas season to be an enjoyable time of year, and I pra [...]
We had a great Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference in August! This was the best-attended conference we have had since before COVID. The theme was “Develo [...]
I write this prayer letter on a “chilly” summer day in the USA! Yes, the low 70s is cold for my family after seven years in Ghana. I needed to renew m [...]