Micah Birthday 04/10
Abbie Birthday 10/11
Micah & Abbie Wedding Anniversary 08/03
AnnaBeth Birthday 10/09
Ezekiel Birthday 02/03
Gloriana Birthday 04/13

Micah’s Testimony
I was born the third of six children to Scott and Debbie Christiansen. My dad was a pastor; so, of course, I grew up in church and heard the Gospel regularly. I had made a profession of faith and been baptized by the age of seven, but the truth was that my trust was more in my prayers than in Christ. I rightly began to doubt my salvation at the age of nine, and shortly after, I decided to make sure I was saved. I went forward at the end of a Sunday night service and prayed, this time trusting Christ alone. I was baptized the same night.
When I was twelve, I went to my first Youth Conference in Hammond, Indiana, where I heard Dr. Jack Hyles preach, resulting in my surrendering to full-time Christian service. That decision was strengthened the following year when I went to Teen Convention in Longview, Texas. I did not know which avenue of full-time Christian service I was supposed to take, but as I grew older, I just began to assume that I would be a pastor or a missionary, as they were the options that most appealed to me.
I went to college and started with a pastoral major, but I decided to switch my major to missions in the second semester of my freshman year. I finished my bachelor’s degree in four years, and on my pastor’s advice, I began a master’s degree in education. It was while I was working on my master’s degree that I met and started dating my future wife Abbie. We had been dating for a year when I began a two-year internship at First Baptist Church. The first year and a half, I interned for Danny Brannon, the director of the Chapel Ministry, which was my ministry for most of my college experience. I interned for FBMI my last semester. When I was finished with college, Abbie and I were married on August 3, 2013.

Abbie’s Testimony
I was born and raised in a Christian home. My parents, Tim and Kathy Cortopassi, made sure that my four siblings and I attended a Christian school and that we went to church as a family every service. Since I grew up in church, I heard the Gospel often. I may have been saved at the age of seven. I remember my mom talked to me during church on a Sunday morning. I prayed that morning and got baptized that evening.
Sometime later, my family watched the movie Left Behind. I got scared, wondering if I were really saved or not. I went through several years not sure if I was going to Heaven but assuming that I was because I had prayed with my mom and gotten baptized.
In seventh grade, I started going to Teenage Soul Winning. I started leading people to Christ but still was not sure if I was saved or not. In November 2001, I sat on my bed with my Bible, and I looked up the verses for the Romans Road. I went through the verses as if I were leading someone else to Christ, but I was doing it for my own benefit. I wanted to settle my doubt once and for all. I prayed, accepting Christ as my only way to Heaven. When I finished, I felt a huge burden lift from my shoulders. Since that time, I have not doubted my salvation.
Ever since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to be a missionary. It was with that in mind that I went to Hyles-Anderson College and got my bachelor’s degree in elementary education. At that time I wanted to be a missionary to China, so I tried to take a missions trip there three different times. Every one of the trips was canceled. After trying for the third time, I really felt that God had closed the door to my going to China.
I did go on a missions trip to Honduras and Belize in 2010, simply because I wanted to take a missions trip before graduating from college. A week before my trip, Micah and I had our first date. We dated for three years before getting married on August 3, 2013.

Team Ghana’s driving purpose is making disciples of Jesus Christ, and the result has been the multiplying of churches. God has blessed the efforts of the men and women serving Him in Kumasi, Ghana. Fundamental Baptist Church International has been in existence for 8years and has already directly influenced the start of 36 other churches in Ghana and Liberia.
The church in Kumasi is also home to Hyles-Anderson College of West Africa, which has 61 graduates and an average of 37 students per month. The college prepares the young and old alike. The current student body is made up of young men who are aspiring to be in ministry, as well as current pastors who see their need for better training.
I eagerly anticipate doing as my fellow team members have done: winning souls, discipling converts, and helping advance the spread of churches across Africa. One of my specific duties on Team Ghana will be to disciple children. God has given me a passion for reaching children, so I eagerly anticipate this opportunity.
It is well known that children are the most easily reached people group, and I would contend that they are also the group with the most potential. Half of Ghana’s population is 20 years old and younger; young people truly are the key to making a long-term impact in Ghana and the surrounding regions. I look forward to teaching Ghanaian pastors and workers how to develop Children’s Ministries so that the next generation is reached across Ghana and beyond.
In addition to leading the Children’s Ministry at Fundamental Baptist Church International, I am excited about teaching in Hyles-Anderson College of West Africa and Fundamental Baptist Academy. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to mold the lives of pastors, pastors in training, and the young people of our Christian school.

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


Mailing Address
Micah Christiansen
c/o FBMI
507 State Street
Hammond, IN  46320
Phone Number
(219) 713-1666
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #6120.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


  • Micah and Abbie Christiansen Prayer Letter: Eight Years on the Field!In my last letter, I asked you to pray for our Christmas program. We did the same play for both our school and our church’s Christmas Day service (almost every church in Ghana has a service on the morning of Christmas Day). At the end of the school’s rendition of the play, a handful of people raised their hands that they were choosing to trust Jesus instead of their works to get them to Heaven. Thank you for praying.

    Ghana had its elections in December, and for the first time since I have been in Ghana, the government changed hands to a different party. Thankfully, there was very little violence and none near us. On the election day itself, I went looking for a chance to witness to somebody. I saw a young man selling food, but it wasn’t a mealtime, so business was slow. However, he was listening to his rap music very loudly and looked like an imitation American gangster. I was about to walk right past him when God nudged my heart to talk to him. I thought, “The music is too loud. We won’t be able to talk.” God replied, “You can give him a tract.” I went to give him a tract, and he immediately turned his music off! It turned out that Akwasi was a very polite and interested young man who willingly listened to the Gospel and professed his faith in Jesus Christ. God keeps reminding me of what I should already know: you can’t tell who is interested by looking at them. We should give everyone a chance.

    I have started another round of soul-winning training for children. Teaching children how to give the Gospel takes much time and much repetition, but it is so rewarding to see them use what they learn. Please pray for this group to learn and be faithful.

    As of the end of January, my family has been in Ghana for eight years! I am so thankful for getting to serve in such a great ministry with so many wonderful Christians. Our team of missionaries has been nothing but a blessing to my family, and our Ghanaian church family has been so loving. I am here to teach, but often, I learn. Thank you for partnering with us in the work! I trust that God will richly reward you, as He has dealt so richly with us.

    Fruit to Your Account

    I was with some teenage boys from our church. They were all witnessing to someone, and I was also looking for an opportunity to talk to somebody, when an elderly man started yelling at one of the teenagers named Jesse.

    I went to see if I could find out what the problem was. The man was upset because he had heard Jesse saying that it is not Jesus and our works that gets us to Heaven; it is only Jesus Who can get us to Heaven. As I talked to the man, he did calm down, but he was not willing to listen. He did talk at length before I could get myself out of the conversation. One thing I could tell from what the man was saying: he had under-stood what Jesse was saying correctly; he merely rejected it. He did not believe Jesus alone could get us to Heaven.

    I walked away feeling thankful that God has allowed me to train young people like Jesse to be able to explain the Gospel clearly. Jesse goes to our school, learned how to give the Gospel from some teaching at the school, and has gained experience witnessing at multiple Bible Clubs we have done. I was also thankful that while I was being talked at by the man, Jesse was able to finish leading the teenager to Christ!

    Yours for souls,

    Micah Christiansen

    Published On: February 21st, 2025Tags: ,