Micah and Abbie Christiansen Prayer Letter: Bible Club FruitI write this prayer letter on a “chilly” summer day in the USA! Yes, the low 70s is cold for my family after seven years in Ghana. I needed to renew my training for the curriculum which we use in Fundamental Baptist Academy, so my family and I have returned to the U.S. for a few weeks. We are taking advantage of the opportunity to visit a few of our supporting churches and to visit with some family and friends before going back to Ghana on July 25. I am so thankful for the Ghanaians in our school and children’s ministry who are stepping up to lead in our absence.

In my last prayer letter, I talked about our week of Bible Club training. Since then, one of our school teachers, Helena, recruited some teenage girls to help her with a Bible Club. Our recent FBA graduate, Ataa, has recruited some friends to help her do a Bible Club also. Audrey and Jesse are both FBA students who started faithfully attending our church as a result of coming to our school. (They are not siblings.) Both of them have been leading people to Christ at Bible Clubs, and both of them have had a visitor at church from Bible Clubs in which they were involved.

I also told you about a man who started bringing his family to church after he saw my Bible Club team conducting a Bible Club in his community. I did not know his family or why they had started coming. After finding out about his family, I visited him, and he said, “Your church teaches that salvation is by grace and not works, but all my life I have learned that I need to do good to go to Heaven. So, what do you think about that?” I gladly showed Kwadwo what the Bible says about salvation being by faith in Jesus alone, and Kwadwo put his faith in Jesus Christ. The next day, Kwadwo was baptized! Within a couple of weeks, his wife got saved and baptized as well! Kwadwo has expressed interest in soul winning. Please pray that he will become a faithful witness for Jesus Christ.

Fruit to Your Account

My Bible Club team was scouting an area to see if it would be a good place to start a Bible Club when I saw Gideon, a boy who came to our church years ago when he was small. I went to him and found that he was not saved, so I started witnessing to him. As I talked, two of his friends came to listen.

These boys listened well, but their English was not good enough, and my Twi was not good enough for them to understand that their good works could not save them. When I was at the point that I knew I could not help them understand, Daniel from the Bible Club team finished witnessing to some children and walked over to me. Daniel used Twi to help two of the boys understand and put their faith in Jesus.

On Sunday, all three boys walked to church with two of their brothers! One of the brothers got saved. Please pray for Gideon. He has heard the Gospel twice now, but he has not yet put his faith in Jesus to save him.

Yours for souls,

Micah Christiansen