

Missionary #6011 Prayer Letter: Upcoming Furlough and Baby Arrival!

By |December 9th, 2023|Missionary #6011, Prayer Letters|

Thank you for the privilege of representing you here in Taiwan! Thank you for your faithful prayers and support! We would ask your prayers for our scheduled furlough from early December through mid-May 2024. Please pray for us as we travel. [...]

Missionary #6004 Prayer Letter: Blessed Beyond Measure!

By |December 4th, 2023|Jason M. Family (#6004), Prayer Letters|

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” (James 1:17) As the news continues to report of how dark this world is, our great Go [...]

Team Ghana Update: Six Days of Medical Clinics and Soul Winning

By |December 1st, 2023|Team Ghana, Team Updates, Ted Speer Family|

border_sizes_left="" border_sizes_right="" first="true"] Many of you prayed for our medical clinics, which were held October 23-28. We hosted Dr. Greg Waller and his team from “Truth for Today Medical Missions,” and they provided medical as [...]

Missionary #6505 Prayer Letter: God Is Interested in Those Who Are Interested in Him!

By |November 23rd, 2023|Bill F. Family (#6505), Prayer Letters|

Malachi 3:16 says, “Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.” GOD IS INT [...]

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