Jared and Tiffany Stalnaker Prayer Letter: Busiest Month on Deputation to Date
Greetings from the deputation trail! November has been our busiest month of deputation to date. During the first two weeks of November, we had the privilege to be a part of three Missions Conferences in three different states—Washington, Ca [...]
James and Linda Belisle Prayer Letter: Nine Trips to Nine Countries in 2024
As I close out the year, I want to thank each of you for your faithful prayers and financial support. This year, I was once again able to take 9 trips to 9 different countries. Your prayers and financial support were what made all of these [...]
Jeremy and Sandra Baker Prayer Letter: Adding to Our Family!
November has been a busy time for us, as we were in 13 different churches across Texas, Oklahoma, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, and Michigan. The Lord blessed by using us to add to His family in 2 ways. First, we were [...]
Missionary #6011 Prayer Letter: We Have Moved to New Area to Plant a Church!
“Daddy, are we going to Yilan (pronounced: ē lan)?” L___ would ask. We could relate to the feeling of being ready to move but waiting for the green light. In the meantime, the Lord was very clearly moving in our midst, among other reasons, [...]
Tom and Margo Dinius Prayer Letter: Blessed Be the Name of the Lord!
I recently heard a song, “Blessed Be the Name of the Lord,” taken from Job 1:21; 42:10-14. Several lines of the song spoke to me: “The Lord giveth; He taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” and “He’s done it before, and He will do i [...]
Juan and Amy Vallejo Prayer Letter: Thankful for Your Prayers
We want to thank you for your faithfulness in praying for and financially supporting the missionary work in Brazil. Our two sons, Juan and David, stayed in Brazil to take care of the churches while I came to the U.S. to be with my wife and [...]