James Belisle Prayer Letter: Nigeria Soul-Winning and Leadership Conferences

2018-05-09T13:54:09-05:00May 11th, 2018|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

As many of you know, the flu bug has hit most of America in epidemic proportions. While traveling, we have had pastors verify that this has been a problem in their churches. Well, that flu bug finally hit me. In the almost 39 years we have [...]

James Belisle Prayer Letter: Leadership and Soul-Winning Conferences

2017-06-27T20:31:17-05:00June 29th, 2017|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you so much for praying for me. As I stated in my last letter, I had the opportunity to go to Nigeria in May. For the first time, I was asked to preach and teach in two soul-winning and leadership conferences. Missionary Mark Holmes h [...]

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