Montana Morrow Prayer Letter: A New Year With New Blessings!

By |2019-03-15T15:11:55-05:00March 17th, 2019|Categories: Montana Morrow Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

What’s New? January was our last month on the field, as the Wyatt family returned from their furlough. We praise and thank God for the opportunity we had to be a blessing and assist in the ministries of Faith Baptist Church during the seven [...]

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Dave Whitmore Prayer Letter: Seeking to Fulfill the Great Commission by Not Giving Up on People!

By |2019-03-12T16:56:47-05:00March 14th, 2019|Categories: David Whitmore Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

During the last six months of 2018, our church raised some money to put a new but simple roof on Maria’s home, because when it rained, the house would flood. She, along with her four grandchildren, has been with us since our first service. [...]

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Brandon Heselschwerdt Prayer Letter: A Missed Uber Connection Leads to a Saved Soul!

By |2019-03-11T21:27:51-05:00March 13th, 2019|Categories: Brandon Heselschwerdt Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

We opened up the month of February with Ali and me having some time together at a Marriage Conference—with no kids, Amen! We had a wonderful time together and were encouraged very much in our marriage from the Word of God. We have had many [...]

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Micah Christiansen Prayer Letter: New Christians and a New Christiansen!

By |2019-03-11T21:25:39-05:00March 12th, 2019|Categories: Micah and Abbie Christiansen, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

We are excited to announce that Ezekiel John Christiansen was born on February 3, 2019. He was a week and a half past due, but when he decided to come, he didn’t waste any time! He was born only half an hour after Abbie’s contractions becam [...]

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Osmin Gutierrez Prayer Letter: Our Building Is Almost Finished!

By |2019-03-10T16:40:18-05:00March 12th, 2019|Categories: Osmin Gutierrez Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

I pray this letter finds you well. Things are going well here in Honduras. We are almost finished with our building. We polished and painted the walls, put up the electrical wiring, and are putting in the doors right now. We just need to pu [...]

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Mike Morrissey Prayer Letter: A Mouthful of Crackers

By |2019-03-10T16:42:50-05:00March 12th, 2019|Categories: Michael Morrissey Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Greetings from steamy Dapitan City! As many of you in the North are wishing for some of that good old-fashioned global warming, we here in the Philippines are “enjoying” an early start to hot season, courtesy of El Niño. 😊 Always a blessing [...]

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Missionary #6020 Prayer Letter: Daily Loaded With Benefits!

By |2019-03-07T19:13:15-06:00March 8th, 2019|Categories: Missionary #6020, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits . . . .” (Psalm 68:19) Our Father’s blessings have seemed especially abundant this month! A Great Trip The first two weeks of February, three men from New York were able to come here [...]

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Brian Hebert Prayer Letter: Blessed Appointments

By |2019-03-07T19:18:47-06:00March 8th, 2019|Categories: Brian and Liz Hebert, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

I pray that this letter finds you in good health and full of God’s blessings. We are blessed here in Canada, and we are thankful for your continued support. Because of the winter temperatures, we’ve had to make adjustments to our visitation [...]

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Warren Storm Prayer Letter: God’s Blessings in 2018

By |2019-03-03T16:45:59-06:00March 6th, 2019|Categories: Prayer Letters, Warren and Jarylynn Storm|Tags: , |

Our Prayer Request We are asking for prayer for my wife Jary Lynn’s mother, Marjorie Heath, who has just had the flu. She now also has pneumonia. She is 97 years old and lives in a nursing home in Elkhorn, Nebraska, near Omaha. Jary Lynn wi [...]

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Daniel Wilder Prayer Letter: God Doesn’t Miss a One!

By |2019-02-24T17:03:15-06:00February 24th, 2019|Categories: Daniel Wilder Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

My brother-in-law, John Early, hosted a missions trip out of his church last November to visit our work. He brought us some professionally printed tracts with a picture of our church on them. While they were here, we had the opportunity to [...]

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