Keith Baker Prayer Letter: Bus Ministry Record!

By |2015-01-10T19:05:23-06:00January 12th, 2015|Categories: Keith and Theresa Baker, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

I thought I had seen some big days years ago in the Bus Ministry (while still in America) that might be hard to be topped, but recently, as I stopped our bus at a location, 87 riders got on board. That may not be a record, but all we have i [...]

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Osmin Gutierrez Prayer Letter: Fires of Evangelism Conference

By |2017-02-02T14:43:36-06:00January 7th, 2015|Categories: Osmin Gutierrez Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , , |

I pray this letter finds you well. We ended 2014 on a great note here in Honduras. This month we hosted the “Fuegos de Evangelismo” (Fires of Evangelism) conference. We had Pastors Luis Parada, Mike Valdez, and Tommy Ashcraft and Child Evan [...]

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Bob Bowen Prayer Letter: House Church Where 400 People Attended

By |2017-02-02T14:43:36-06:00December 31st, 2014|Categories: Dr. Bob and Jacqueline Bowen, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , , , |

“To preach the gospel in the regions beyond you . . . .” (II Corinthians 10:16) In December I saw 206 come to the saving knowledge of Christ in several different regions of Southeast Asia. My main goal of introducing the new program Teachin [...]

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James Belisle Prayer Letter: From Nigeria to a Live Animal Christmas Play

By |2017-02-02T14:43:36-06:00December 28th, 2014|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Since this is my last letter of the year and realizing you will receive this letter after Christmas, I want to start the letter off by wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Linda and I were very blessed to have our da [...]

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Chris Yetzer Prayer Letter: End-of-Year Update

By |2014-12-22T10:29:55-06:00December 23rd, 2014|Categories: Christopher Yetzer Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

Former We are coming up on being in Italy for four years. If there is anything we could say that we have learned after four years, it is that we definitely don’t have the supernatural gift of tongues, and we are pretty positive we don’t eve [...]

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Elias Correa Prayer Letter: Soul Winning Still Works!

By |2017-02-02T14:43:47-06:00October 18th, 2014|Categories: Elias Correa Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

I am reminded often of the greatness of the Lord. We are reminded of His goodness each day, and it is a joy to know that He will always be there for us. Recently I read Psalm 126:3 where is says, “The Lord hath done great things for us; whe [...]

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Jerry Wyatt, Jr. Prayer Letter: By Grace!

By |2017-02-02T14:43:47-06:00October 12th, 2014|Categories: Jerry Wyatt Jr. Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

We are so thankful for the pastors and churches that God, in His grace, has used to be such an encouragement to us during our time here in the States. Our schedule is full until we return to Tanzania next month; and during the time between [...]

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Darrell Ratcliff Prayer Letter: Thrilled With Excitement!

By |2014-10-07T21:04:34-05:00October 11th, 2014|Categories: Darrell Ratcliff Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

As I am writing this letter, my heart is thrilled with excitement about what God is doing through this ministry. We cannot express how grateful we are for all that you do to help us to reach precious souls for the glory of the Lord Jesus Ch [...]

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Brian Hebert Prayer Letter: Working in North Carolina

By |2017-02-02T14:43:47-06:00October 9th, 2014|Categories: Brian and Liz Hebert, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you for your continued support. God has surely directed our steps this month. We were able to present our work, schedule more meetings for the rest of this year and next, meet new pastors who will hopefully turn into future meetings, [...]


Paul Sock Prayer Letter: First Missions Conference Held in Warsaw, Poland

By |2017-02-02T14:43:47-06:00October 8th, 2014|Categories: Paul and Jolie Sock, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

Missions Conference We had our first missions conference at Gospel Baptist Church in Warsaw this Sunday. A national missionary from Romania came to speak to our people. Pray that God will use our church in Warsaw to help reach the world. Br [...]

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