I pray this letter finds you well. We ended 2014 on a great note here in Honduras. This month we hosted the “Fuegos de Evangelismo” (Fires of Evangelism) conference. We had Pastors Luis Parada, Mike Valdez, and Tommy Ashcraft and Child Evangelist Marcos Turriza with us. The conference was well attended (around 300 people each night); there were 26 pastors present from all over Honduras and El Salvador. Five people trusted Christ as their personal Saviour, and 22 surrendered to full-time Christian service. Two of those were members of our church. Many decisions were made that will greatly impact our country for years to come. Thanks for praying for this conference (photos attached).
This month we baptized 3 more believers. One of them was my youngest son Timothy Ray. He had received Christ as his personal Saviour and wanted to get baptized. It didn’t matter to him that it has been too cold in our city (in the 50s—that is freezing for us) to be baptized in our baptistery, which is out in the open and has no hot water.
Last month we finished paying off our bus. A fellow missionary gave us this bus several years ago and told us to pay him however we could. We paid him $10,000 for the bus; it took us a little more than three years to do it. That frees up about $250 a month that we can use to build on the property. In December employees in Honduras get an extra paycheck. We are trying to raise $1,000 this month so we can fix the floor under our pavilion, buy a couple toilets for our bathrooms, and build a gazebo that we can use as a Sunday school class.
I pray you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year’s. Thanks for your prayer and financial support. May God bless you and continue to use you.
Osmin Gutierrez
- The altar was full every night.
- Bro. Mike Valdez is witnessing to two visitors.
- Twenty-two people surrendered to full-time Christian service.
- Day Session