Chris Williams Prayer Letter: Souls Saved on Deputation

By |2017-02-02T14:44:08-06:00January 23rd, 2014|Categories: Chris and Irene Williams, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Dear Praying Friends, We pray that you had a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season! Our travels took us to nine churches in this time period, ranging from Chattanooga, Tennessee, to Durango, Mexico. While visiting with Beautiful Ga [...]

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Simeon Hudson Prayer Letter: 2013 in Review

By |2017-02-02T14:44:08-06:00January 22nd, 2014|Categories: Prayer Letters, Simeon and Susie Hudson|Tags: |

Hello Pastors and Praying Friends, The Hudsons begin 2014 with great expectations for your ministries and for our ministry. In 2013, by God’s grace, we saw . . . • 55 souls led to Christ. • 10 saved as we stood silently and prayed. • 23 Bib [...]

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Meeting Heroes While on Furlough

By |2014-01-30T13:50:48-06:00November 20th, 2013|Categories: Eddie Arold Family, Missions Moments|Tags: |

Missionary Eddie Arold and his family are finishing up their furlough in order to return to Thailand. They look forward to being rejoined with the families that make up Team Thailand and especially with the Thai people whom they served for [...]

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