God gave us an amazing final month in Peru before returning to the States for deputation. On the heels of returning from the jungle at the end of April, we jumped back into the work here at our local church in Lima. At the beginning of the month, the government had Sundays shut down completely due to COVID restrictions, which meant we couldn’t hold services in person. Because of this, Cassandra and I held a weekly Bible study on the hill in front of our church on Saturday evenings. My parents and others held Bible studies as well in the surrounding areas.
While out soul winning and inviting folks to our Bible study in the neighborhood, I was able to lead a man named Beyker and his wife Jennifer to the Lord. Initially, they did not come to the Bible study. On the final week before we returned to the States, we held a special “Friend Day” at our church, with Bro. Jonathan Ashcraft from Mexico preaching for us. Once again, Cassandra and I visited Beyker and Jennifer that Saturday, but sadly no one was home. To our surprise, Jennifer came that night, along with her son! God is so good. We were so excited. She told us she wants to make our church her church home. We are praying that her husband comes as well.
Due to church services being closed on Mother’s Day, we held a special Mother-Daughter Banquet on Saturday evening, May 8. Cassandra was able to speak to the ladies that evening, and she even had her mom call in through a video call to give her testimony! It was such a blessing. She wrote a song that her ladies’ group performed for the mothers that evening.
The next week, we met the new police chief at the local police precinct near our church. He invited us to come back and speak to the men and women on the force. When we arrived for their roll call at 7:00 a.m., the police chief had all of the officers lined up at attention, ready to hear what we had to say. My dad spoke, and Cassandra and I sang for them. They were all very attentive and thanked us for coming. We left them all with a bag of goodies, which included a copy of the book of Romans and a tract with a clear presentation of the Gospel.
The next week, the men in our church held a special week of fasting and praying for a new church property. The place we rent now is small, and we are forced to hold two services on Sunday mornings to fit everyone in the auditorium. At the end of the week on Saturday evening, the men met together to pray. Then we split into twos and walked throughout our district, looking for an available property for our church. Initially, we were disappointed. It seemed that nobody could find anything good, but the next week, we received word that a property had opened up at a great price just a few blocks away from our current building. It seems great, but there are a few hitches with it. It is owned by the government, and we need special permission to purchase it. We are praying for God’s guidance, as He knows what’s best.
Finally, Cassandra and I left Peru on May 29 to return home to finish deputation. We are scheduled to be in some amazing churches over the next few months, and we’re very excited. We have a lot ahead of us and really want to get our support raised fast so we can return to Peru quickly. We covet your prayers. God has been so good to us to give us these amazing opportunities. Thank you all for your prayers and support.
Zach Jr. and Cassandra Foust
- Cassandra is inviting people in our neighborhood to our Saturday evening Bible study.
- Cassandra is speaking at our Mother-Daughter Banquet.
- Zach is inviting people in the neighborhood to our Saturday evening Bible study.