I hope you enjoyed celebrating Independence Day with your friends and family. Let’s not just celebrate the liberty and freedoms we have in America to gather as believers and preach the Word of God; let’s also go out and tell someone about Jesus.
Deputation—It Is Finished!
We finished our last meeting of deputation on June 30 at Victory Baptist Church in Fairmont, West Virginia. We are so glad to have made it through deputation. We were given the opportunity to present our burden for Uruguay at 251 churches in 28 states, and also in Ontario, Canada. I estimate that we drove about 120,000 miles on deputation. Praise the Lord for His protection in our travels, as we didn’t have a single accident on deputation. We are extremely grateful to each church and pastor who invited us to come. We were blessed by meeting so many godly pastors and their families, along with their church members. We were reminded through deputation that God is still at work all over this great country (and in Canada) in big cities and little towns! We were cared for by so many generous church members who housed our family, fed us a meal, repaired our van, encouraged us, gave us a gift, or just simply spent time with us! We couldn’t have made it through the deputation journey without them! If you helped us in any way along the way, thank you from the bottom of our hearts! I believe we will know the full impact of your kindness in Heaven.
Christa’s Divine Appointment
We recently went to a park as a family in Ohio. As I was practicing baseball with the boys, Christa was pushing Emmalynn on the swing. Rachel was pushing another child next to her. After 15-20 minutes of getting to know one another, Christa was able to bring the conversation to the Gospel. Rachel had been searching and was so open to hearing about Jesus. Right as the rain started to pour down, with tears of relief, Rachel sweetly accepted Christ as her Saviour! Praise the Lord! I’m glad that my wife was at the right place at the right time to witness to Rachel. There are opportunities all over to give the Gospel if we are just ready and yielded to the Holy Spirit.
Update on Our Entry Permit
As we’ve explained in previous letters, our application for an entry permit was put on hold since there were a lot of cases of COVID in Uruguay the past few months. The Spanish language school we will be attending when we arrive has been helping us with the permit. They were able to help us restart the process in June. Please pray that we will be approved soon so we can move.
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support!
Your missionaries to Uruguay,
Tim, Christa, Ethan, Evan, and Emmalynn Simmons
- Our family with Pastor Barker at our very last church on deputation!
- Each pin is a place we’ve had a meeting at!
- Christa and Rachel