“. . . many shall run to and fro . . . .” (Daniel 12:4) I can testify that this prophesy of the last days is true, as we began a new academic year and I made a trip back to the USA in September.
August began with a new year at our Bible college with 14 students, including 3 new freshmen. I praise the Lord for their desire to serve the Lord Jesus and grow in their knowledge of the Bible.
The last Sunday of August, we had a “Back to School Sunday,” where we gave useful school supplies to the children as they began their new school year. We were amazed at the response, having 355 children come and many bringing their parents with them.
September 6-10, we held our annual Missions Conference, with the theme “It’s Ours to Reach.” We were challenged to do more to reach the lost, both in our Jerusalem and in the uttermost parts of the earth. On the Saturday of our conference, we went out into our city and handed out several thousand tracts we had printed.
Due to my 10-year visa expiring, requiring me to be out of the country at that time, I flew out on September 10 for a short, one-month furlough to the States. I visited supporting churches and family in Indiana, Michigan, and Maine. It was my first return in almost 4½ years, and I have to admit, I experienced some “reverse culture shock,” especially from the costs of inflation!
I was blessed to see my parents again in their Michigan home, still caring for themselves at ages 91 and 88. I was able to meet Joel and Crystal’s two children for the first time (very cute and energetic, of course!). Nathan and Melissa in Indiana now have four teen children to keep them busy. Amos and Lacey in Maine are still faithful in planting a church, as he works full-time in a shipyard and they raise their two daughters.
Thank you to all those who provided transportation and a place to sleep while I traveled from place to place. It was a blessing to touch base with some of the pastors and church families that support me in prayer and finances. I am now back in Dumaguete, very “jet-lagged,” but very happy to be able to continue serving where God is making a difference.
May God bless you all as you serve in your corner of the harvest fields of the world.
Your missionary in the Philippines,
Scott Christiansen
- “Back to School” Sunday
- With Joel’s family on furlough at Beth Haven Baptist Church in Sheridan, Michigan
- New academic year for Bible college