“Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not.” (II Corinthians 4:1) June and July were very full months that “stretched” us, but we are thankful for the increase that God gave us.
As we finished up our college academic year, God gave us a great Vacation Bible School in June. We conducted 31 separate meetings Monday through Thursday throughout the mornings. My group had 4 meetings each morning. Having this many meetings put us close to our children’s homes, where their parents could easily watch the activity. All in all, nearly 900 individual children were a part of VBS. On Friday, we brought as many as we could to the church for a final, united rally, which 251 children attended. For the week, 399 souls were saved through our VBS. Praise the Lord for the new potential families, some of whom are already attending!
In June, we also had a joint graduation of seven high schoolers and two college grads. It was a time to celebrate God’s faithfulness. All seven high schoolers are enrolled for our Bible college starting in August.
In July, we hosted a three-day Youth Rally that had over 100 high school and college-aged delegates. They attended 13 messages in that time where they learned about growing in wisdom, stature, and favor with both God and man, using the Lord Jesus as their pattern (Luke 2:52). Many made important decisions about their walk with God. Others made decisions about going to Bible college and going into Christian service.
On July 26, two of our staff members, Theo Amante and Jeciel Anasario, were married. It was a beautiful ceremony for two Godly servants who set a fine example in their courtship. It may seem impossible by some to have your first kiss on your wedding day, but we have couples here that have shown it can be done. It is fun to watch how awkward the first attempt of a kiss can be—but they quickly improve as they practice through-out the day!
In addition to all this, we continued to keep up our regular soul winning. Our Thursday nights in June and July saw 411 saved. Many followed the Lord in believer’s baptism, and most of our church is involved in weekly discipleship. Our Sunday morning services have been pushing the limit of what we can seat in our auditorium. We have been tired, but God has given us mercy so that we can continue.
Thank you for your faithful support in prayer and finances that allows us to see souls saved and disciples being trained.
Your co-laborer,
Scott Christiansen
- VBS Rally with 251 children
- College graduates Jeo Flores and Abigail Singgit
- Mr. & Mrs. Theo (Jeciel) Amante