We invite you to rejoice with us in the Lord’s blessings upon our ministry. Since our last letter, 24 have come to visit our churches, and 17 people have made a public profession of faith in Christ. Glory to God!
I would like to impart a precious story. One of our van-route workers brought a new lady named Diana to church last month. In that first service, Diana was saved and just fell in love with our church. She went home with glowing reports of how wonderful our church was. Her enthusiasm evoked many of her family members to come see what all the hype was about. Diana has brought 15 family members to church with her since then. This has truly been a “lady at the well” experience unraveling before us. “This was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.”
Diana has a brother named Juan. He also started coming, and the Lord has been working in his heart. He told me he believes God wants him to preach. I told him he should leave for Bible college in January, along with the others we are planning to send. Juan is really rough around the edges; he has a rough past and comes with some heavy baggage. However, we have seen God make masterpieces out of some even more burden-laden Christians.
Our present Bible college students have been wooing our church young people with glorious tales of their college adventures. Iron has been sharpening iron, and we now have more young people from our churches desirous to go to Bible college. These freshly whetted weapons in God’s hands will help us make a dent in the great cloud of demonic oppression that permeates Mexico. Please pray that they will carry on and not take heed to skeptics and gainsayers.
I will quickly update you on the current Coronavirus situation. At the end of October, our governor canceled all weekend activities for two weeks—including churches. Thankfully, he opened everything right back up again. One upside to the current situation is that people seem to be thinking more about eternity. It has helped inspire more of our church members to go out soul winning and visiting.
We request prayer for our college students. The ones in college are struggling financially, and the ones who will be leaving will be going by faith. If you would like to “adopt” a college student, or perhaps give a one-time gift to help them get started, please let us know. The eternal dividends would far surpass any contributions.
Also, please continue to pray for our safety. Pray that we would be able to free those who live in the bondage of the fear. We are praying for you.
In His service,
Robert Wilson
- Ruth is a faithful soul winner; she is going to Bible college in January.
- Luis is another faithful worker going to Bible college.
- Diana was baptized.
- Juan was baptized.
- Juan is pictured here in the white shirt next to his sister Diana and other family members.