To God be the glory; great things He hath done! We rejoice in the blessings of God upon our churches. Since our last letter, we have had scores of people saved and baptized and many new visitors. We also reopened our Christian school, Wilson Baptist Academy, in August. Glory to God!
My wife and son work full-time in the school. Robert works in the school in the morning and is finishing his high school classes in the evening. He is planning to leave for Bible college next year. Some of our church women also help. Our school is a mix of our members’ children and bus children. Our goal is for our school to be a springboard to Bible college and then to the ministry. Please pray for us, as we need more desks, books, teachers, and the funds to pay our present teachers. Also, six of the children need glasses. Many of our students come from single-parent homes with barely enough money to put food on the table. We charge a minimal tuition, which most cannot even pay.
Our daughter Veronica has taken a children’s class in our afternoon church. Our younger daughter Rosalinda is her helper. They also have ambitions of full-time Christian service. Several more young people in our churches have taken on the role of helpers in our various church departments. Please continue to pray for us as we train this future generation of Christian servants.
Christian, one of our young men, has taken over teaching a discipleship class for new men in our church. Christian has been attending our church with his family since childhood. His class has added several new men. The new men’s class is taught during the Sunday school hour. It is a blessing to see Christian grow, along with these men in our church. Christian is also planning to attend Bible college next year.
We are thankful for your faithful prayers and support. We ask you to continue to pray that we can purchase another van. We thank those of you who have contributed. Please continue to pray for our safety. Also pray for more laborers to reap this ripe harvest field. We are praying for you.
In His service,
Robert Wilson
- Wilson Baptist Academy (Academia Bautista Wilson)
- Wilson Baptist Academy (Academia Bautista Wilson)
- Robert’s school class