Paul Sock Prayer Letter: When I Am Weak, Then Am I StrongA young man in his twenties comes weekly to Gospel Baptist Church, and I am able to teach him and influence him for righteousness. He likes to talk about many subjects; he attends a military school and is interested in making his career in the military. I have some commonality with him since I spent eight years in the Air Force. We have had many good and long discussions. In the beginning he mentioned that he wouldn’t cross certain lines, and changing from his roots of Catholicism was one of them; but as we meet and talk, he is coming to see the truth for himself. Pray for Derek to be saved.

Each week there is a discipling class with a Polish woman named Slywia. She attends very faithfully, enjoys studying the Bible, and also asks questions. She is dating a man from South America who is not a believer. Pray for Sylwia to make the right decisions about her personal life. Pray for her boyfriend to want to get saved and attend Gospel Baptist Church with her.

A new couple came to attend Gospel Baptist Church. The man is from India and his wife is Polish. They just had their first baby. The man attended Bible college in India. He read our church doctrine on our website, and he told me that he agreed with our doctrine. Doctrine in a church is very important. What a church believes or teaches is what will make it a true church. It was great to see a man with enough wisdom to discern that doctrine is very important. Pray for this young couple, as they plan to move close to our church and be a part of Gospel Baptist Church.

Insurance is a necessary part of life. I went into my local insurance agency to renew some policies. Kami, the man working there, was very friendly, professional, and respectful to me. I witnessed to him, and he listened intently. After praying to receive the Gospel message, the young man said to me, “That felt good!” He was excited about the Good News! Pray that Kamil can get into church with his family. His wife also works in the insurance office; I had already given her a tract on another occasion.

One day I was in a Vietnamese restaurant ordering some food, and I noticed a dark-skinned man; he was from India. I called him over to me. When we talked, he invited me to come with him to where he lived with his Polish girlfriend and her mother. When I agreed to go with him to his house, he told me that his mother-in-law and girlfriend were drunk and asked if I could come another time. That Saturday I went to visit Vineet, and I witnessed to him. The people he lived with didn’t seem too friendly toward me. Vineet left to work in Germany, but he comes back to Poland. Pray that he will attend Gospel Baptist Church.

Jolie had minor surgery here in the hospital. She is healing and doing much better. I’ve had vertigo on and off for about two weeks. We both have had some health problems. Please pray for good health and safety for both of us.

God is sending many visitors to Gospel Baptist Church despite our health issues. We’ve had a man from the Philippines attend, a man from Nepal, and several men from India. Also, we have had different Polish people attend. Thank you for your faithfulness to pray for us! We need more workers in Poland. Pray for people to come and help us here.

More than conquerors,

Paul & Jolie Sock