Mshama and Martha Kinyonga Prayer Letter:  Picture-Perfect Example of God's Love on DisplayWe pray that you all are well. Thank you for your continued prayers for my family and the ministry there in Tanzania. We are so honored and humbled with all of the cards, prayers, texts, emails, monies, and just the pouring out of love that everyone has shown; it all truly humbles us. It’s not only an encouragement to my wife and me, but to our kids as well. It shows them a picture-perfect example of the love of God on display and how God uses people to show off His power. So, we thank you all again for loving us.

Cancer/Heath Update

Martha finished her tenth round of chemotherapy, and with prayer and counsel, we have decided to stop and not do the last two rounds. She will meet with the surgeon on November 16 to finalized a surgery date, and then in late November, she will have a CT, an MRI, and another colonoscopy. The CT and MRI will be on November 19, and the colonoscopy will be on November 28. We do thank God that the tumor has shrunk in half, and we are looking forward to Martha’s being cancer-free.

A couple of weeks ago, we didn’t realize that Martha had developed blood clots in her leg, abdomen, heart, and lungs. She was admitted to the hospital for a week. They were able to do surgery to remove most of the clots and placed her on blood thinners for at least six months. Please pray that the surgeon will have peace about and be willing to do her surgery soon and not wait due to the fact that she is on blood thinners. We really just want this cancer out, but we do want God’s will through it all.

God has been faithful to us. We have had many witnessing opportunities with so many folks from the hospital, countless opportunities really. My wife kept telling them, “Maybe I got cancer because the Lord wanted us to meet, and this was the only way.” You just never know with all of these “divine appointments.”


Through this entire journey, life and ministry move on over in Tanzania. We are grateful for all of the laymen who have stepped up to make sure things keep going and running smoothly. They had an all-night prayer meeting in Mikese (the one church that meets on Thursdays). They called us to pray with us at 2:30 a.m. their time. It was a sweet time that they, on their own and knowing the power of prayer, wanted to pray with us. They also had a men’s meeting with 62 in attendance. It’s always encouraging and healthy when men can get strengthened. The Devil is constantly trying to “cut down” men.

I had the opportunity to take back to Tanzania a mini-projector, with all of the cords and batteries needed, and the Jesus Film to be able to go to different areas and villages to present the Gospel. One of the graduates from our Bible institute felt the call to be able to spearhead this new ministry, so Daniel Lucheba and his wife have been going out and doing this. The first time they went out, there were 130 in attendance, with 25 saved. They have gone out many more times since then. I know they themselves have been blessed. Oftentimes when we go out to be a blessing to people, we are the ones who get blessed even more so.

Again, thank you for your prayer and financial support. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

For His glory,

Mshama, Martha, Esther, Benjamin, Rachel, & Sarah Kinyonga