As we were walking to the next house, we heard a very strange noise, but when we arrived at the house, there was just a man in his hoodie sitting there. Is this man in his right mind? Is everything okay? What is going on here? Who says that soul winning isn’t exciting? There is nothing quite like being able to clearly explain the Gospel to someone and have them trust Christ as their Saviour. We asked this man, Jason, if he knew he was going to Heaven, and he responded that he didn’t know but would like to know. I proceeded to sit next to him and show him from my New Testament what God said about the matter. My soul-winning partner, my wonderful, pregnant wife, addressed the lady who came outside on the porch. As I was witnessing to him, she was witnessing to her, and they both received Christ as Saviour. The pastor was coming to pick us up in the van. When the man said that he wanted to come to church the next day, I introduced him to the pastor. Praise the Lord! Jason did come the next day to church. Please pray that they both continue to grow in the Lord.
As great of a thrill as it is to lead souls to Christ myself, I admit that there is one greater: “to hear that my children walk in truth.” While we were at a missions conference in Georgia, I received a message from W__ in China, asking for prayer for his father-in-law, P__ Q__. He was very sick, unable to speak or eat, and very clearly about to die. He asked me what else he could do besides pray, and I told him that he must witness to him. We had talked before about witnessing to people, and W__ had already led someone to the Lord before, but this was close family. He had asked a brother from his aunt’s church to come and witness to P__ Q__. He was still comprehending things but unable to speak, just able to nod “yes” or “no.” I reminded W__ of the Gospel points and asked him if he wanted the verses for each one. Wally said he did, so I started sending a lot of Bible references for Creation, sin, Hell, Jesus being the only hope and way of salvation, and receiving God’s gift. I told him to make sure his father-in-law was not trusting in works and gave him verses for that. Remember that this is all taking place through messaging on the other side of the globe. I also gave him verses regarding assurance of salvation. W__ explained the Gospel to P__ Q__, and he nodded for all of them. W__ then proceeded to pray with him and asked him to pray. By nodding his head, he indicated that he had prayed and received Christ. I double-checked with W__ to review and make sure things were clear, which they seemed to be. Praise the Lord! W__’s father-in-law trusted Christ as his Saviour. About 16½ hours later, P__ Q__ passed away.
The Chinese people will be the ones to reach their people. Our job, like Paul’s, is to teach them to reach them. I am thankful to announce that we are planning to return to China this summer. We are currently over 81% of our support. We are planning to return to our original city to finish up our language training and after that, Lord willing, go elsewhere to tell others that have not yet heard the Gospel. Please pray for us and our team as we go forward.
Thank you for holding the ropes with your prayers and support. Thank you also very much for all the birthday cards and wishes! You’re the best! Keep up the great work serving Jesus in your place of service! We cannot do what we are able to do without the faithfulness of God’s people.
Some Specific Prayer Requests for Our Family and Ministry
• That those we have already invested in would keep growing and become very fruitful Christians
• Safe carrying, delivery, and recovery for our baby girl’s birth, due June 16
• Acceptance into language school and good teachers/tutor
• Visas processed smoothly
• China housing, vehicle, moving, and transition details
• Support to keep coming in
• Paperwork done for the baby in a timely fashion
• Team China and potential team members
• Opportunities in China, wisdom, and discernment
• Personal growth, wisdom, understanding, and knowledge
• Continued travel safety
In His service,
Missionary #6011 and Family