Our Bible college classes are held for one week each month. In April, I taught how to make a budget. I taught them how to have God’s priorities for their spending and what to do if they believe their needs exceed their income. Several of the men commented to me how much the class would help them.
New Bible College Students
God has been blessing our college regularly with new students. Eleven of these are pictured here. Their names are as follows: (front row) Mary, Stephen, Peter, Dominic, (middle row) Julius, Francis, Paul, Given, (last row) Isaac, Olawale, and Collins. Please let me share with you some soul-winning testimonies from three of these new Bible college students:
Julius told me about winning one of his friends to Christ: A couple months ago, I was chatting with my friends on WhatsApp and asked if they were to die today, are they sure they would go to Heaven. My friend Ivan was very interested in the subject. I told him we needed to schedule a time to discuss the matter further. Ivan said, “Okay. I really want to be saved.” A month later we met at the wedding of a fellow classmate. I asked him the same question again, and he said, “Boy, the way I’m sinning, I don’t think God will let me in Heaven. But I know you have changed, so I want you to change me!” I preached the Gospel to him, and he got saved. A week later Ivan called me and said, “I’m so glad you came to preach the Gospel to me that I want to give you 50 cedis [about $12].” Please pray for Julius to be able to win more of his friends to Christ.
Olawale is from Nigeria. He came to Ghana specifically to be trained in the ministry. He started attending in December. He reported to me this short testimony: Adumakun is a friend of mine whom I met in the course of my job. He accepted Christ and promised to visit Fundamental Baptist Church [our church in Bohyen].
Stephen travels here each month for ministry training from a city 5-6 hours away. He testifies: I spoke to Dorcas about salvation, and she believed. She has already been visiting our church to learn more about God. Samuel is a security officer with Group 4 Security Service. When I met him, he was hoping that his good works would save him. However, after I witnessed to him, he put his faith in Christ and got saved!
Prayer Requests
Pray that God will send us more zealous students like these. Pray also for God to use us while we report to churches, raise additional support, and visit family during our furlough, May 16 – July 26.
Your servants and His,
Michael, Maria, John, Joy, Faith, and Ben

Eleven New Bible College Students