We thank God that Joy turned 14 and Faith turned 10 this month. We thank God they are both saved and serving Christ! We also thank the Lord for the many different opportunities He gives us to reach others for His glory.
Medical Clinics
Our church hosted a medical missions team the last week of October. They held 6 clinics in 6 different villages. I assisted the first day. Our daughter Joy helped 5 days and was able to win several dozen to Christ. Maria and I “stayed by the stuff.” Maria worked extra in our Christian school to free up teachers so they could participate in the clinics. Every person who came to the clinic for help heard the Gospel, and God blessed with over 1,100 souls saved. Our daughter-church pastors continue to follow up on those who attended the clinics.
Bible College
God gave us a new student named Charles Tutu, who was reached by one of our daughter churches. He was attracted to that church by their sign which read, “We Are People of the Book!” Our graduate, Pastor Otchere Boachie, preached the Gospel to him, and he trusted Christ. Charles has enrolled in our college to learn how to preach the Gospel to lost souls. Also, this past week I had the privilege to teach 10 of our college men how to use the Strong’s Concordance. As I looked over their final exams, I was so pleased with the progress they had made during the week. I plan to spend more time helping these men with their Bible study over the next month. Their zeal for the Lord is encouraging! Please pray for God to continue to send us the right kind of students.
Soul Winning
Augustine is a man who cannot see very well; he has cataracts in both eyes. He was sitting by an ATM I was using, so I invited him to church. He trusted Christ and was baptized. Please pray for Augustine’s physical needs and that he would grow in grace.
Good Luck is a Nigerian who pushes a cart up and down the main road by our church selling cell-phone accessories. I invited him, and he visited our church. We found that he was already saved. He tells me he was involved in evangelism when he was back in Nigeria. Pray for Good Luck to start attending our church regularly.
Mr. Sammy is our copier repairman. He brought his daughter Josephine with him one day, and I preached the Gospel to her. I gave her a workbook on salvation to complete. Two weeks later, Mr. Sammy and Josephine showed up at my office. He had been prompted (by the Holy Ghost?) to have me check Josephine’s workbook before she left the area to stay with her mother. Her understanding of the Gospel was not good, so I had one of our Bible college students preach the Gospel to her in Twi. Meanwhile, my assistant, Brother Peter, preached to Mr. Sammy. I believe both father and daughter trusted Christ that day. Praise the Lord!
MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR from our family to yours!
Mike, Maria, Joy, Faith, & Ben
- Joy and Freda witnessing at the medical clinics
- Mr. Sammy and Josephine