Thank you for your prayers! God has been so good to us over these past two months. We had a full schedule of meetings in September and October! We love Missions Conference season! God allowed us to be a part of 4 Missions Conferences, as well as present our ministry in 11 other churches. We had a wonderful time at each of the following conferences: Pastor Jerry Walker and Oak Level Baptist Church in Stokesdale, North Carolina; Pastor Mark Duff and Providence Baptist Church in Riverview, Florida; Pastor Ricardo Rosario and Iglesia Bautista Luz Del Evangelio in Winston-Salem, North Carolina; and Pastor Kevin Cowling and Valley Baptist Church in Mesa, Arizona. God allowed my wife and me to lead 6 souls to Christ in personal soul winning during the last two months, and we have reached 29% of our support goal!
The Saturday of our conference with Pastor Rosario, I went out knocking doors with some of his young people. While knocking an apartment building, I met a young man standing in front of one of the apartments; his name was Chestlee. He told me he was from the Marshall Islands. This surprised me because my family has been good friends with Chris and Lori Settle, veteran missionaries to the Marshall Islands, for years and because I had never met a native of the Islands. When I asked him if he knew Christ as his Saviour, he confidently replied, “Yes! A missionary led me to Jesus when I was six years old. His name was Chris!” It was Bro. Settle who had reached the young man and his family with the Gospel many years before. Praise God for the Gospel message and for those who give up everything to take it across the sea!
Another great personal encouragement took place at Pastor Cowling’s conference in Arizona. While there, I was able to spend some time with several of my classmates from college. It was such a blessing to hear about how God is using each one of them in the ministry. What an encouragement it was to spend time with some of my peers who are busy serving the Lord and doing what we were trained to do!
We are officially homeless! Well, not exactly. We packed everything we plan on taking to Thailand in boxes during the last full week of October and moved to Lexington, Kentucky. We will be based there and living with my wife’s family for some time. We are very grateful for Godly parents who are willing to house us as we prepare for the mission field.
I will be going to Thailand for a week in December with my dad to help the Arolds with the Christmas school programs they put on each year in Bangkok. Please pray that many souls will be saved!
We love you all and are praying for you.
The Bosje Family
- Chestlee, a young man won to the Lord on the Marshall Islands at the age of six by Missionary Chris (Lori) Settle
- With some of my classmates from Hyles-Anderson College while at Pastor Kevin Cowling’s church in Mesa, Arizona