We finally arrived back, safe and sound, in the Philippines on September 12. We praise the Lord for the churches we visited while we were in America. We are honored to have churches that support us as we obey the Lord’s command to go into all the world. Thank you again for partnering with us as we labor together with the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is amazing that Almighty God has allowed us to help start four churches and a Bible college. One of those churches is Apugan Baptist Church. They had their 3rd Church Anniversary at the end of September. We are so thankful for the lives that have been reached in this area.
One of our Bible college graduates recently conducted a survey trip to the island of Batanes, the northernmost island of the Philippines. Bro. Ryan and his wife Angel are being called as local missionaries to start a church in this needy area. Thank you for your investment in our ministry, which will help another church to be established in Batanes. Their prayer is to be there by December of 2025. Please pray that Ryan and Angel will be able to raise the necessary support for this mission field.
Please pray also for the home Bible studies in two suburbs of our city. We are reaching out to our neighborhoods with the Gospel, and several people have been saved through these soul-winning and children’s ministries. Please pray for us as we continue to reach the lost, train our church members, and for our safety. Finally, please pray for our two daughters in America, that God will continue to work in their hearts, that they will be safe and healthy, and that they will serve God faithfully while in Bible college.
Your missionaries to the Philippines,
Mark and Kim, Anastasia, Rachel, and AJ Palmani
- The 3rd Church Anniversary Service of Apugan Baptist Church
- The 3rd Church Anniversary Service of Apugan Baptist Church