Keith and Theresa Baker Prayer Letter: Short Trip to Haiti and Survey Trip to St. LuciaTheresa and I returned to Ft. Meyers, Florida, on August 9 after a short-term trip into Haiti. We were able to advertise our back-to-school, five-day Bible seminar in the St. Raphael vicinity, where 260 young adults, besides our staff, had registered for the meetings. Our Maranatha Baptist ladies were in the kitchen before 6:00 a.m. each day preparing breakfast and lunch.

Our teaching emphasis was on the doctrine of salvation encompassing topics accompanying our theme, including propitiation, redemption, adoption, remission, sanctification, justification, substi-tution, preservation, supplication, glorification, reconciliation, and imputation. I believe 16 trusted Christ during the event.

Concurrently, Theresa, with the assistance of 3 of our young Haitian ladies (Dieuna, Dodeline, and Amida), assembled over 350 sacks containing New Testaments, school supplies, wash-cloths, towels, socks, toys, wristbands, personal-care items, etc. for distribution to our Maranatha families.

In June, we made a survey trip into St. Lucia in regard to the Haitian population there. It was an eye-opener to find that 8 of the 23 churches on that island of 180,000 have no pastor. Our voyage to the Bahamian people was put on hold because of a resurgence of COVID cases. As multitudes of Haitians continue to flee their homeland and take up residence in other Caribbean countries, Creole-speaking missionaries need to be sent, or pastors on those islands need to be trained to reach the surge of refugees. As many Haitians risk the perils of the sea to escape the nation’s violence, Theresa and I are praying and searching for the right time to return for a more permanent season.

We truly appreciate your investment and prayers.


Keith and Theresa