God is working around the world, using me and the water purifier by His mercy and grace. Plus, He has plans for the future. Many testimonies tell of His hand of mercy.
More Testimonies from Pastor George Menyon in Liberia:
(1) This is a village near Monrovia where we are planning to start a new church. (2) Pastor Menyon continues with another testimony regarding the middle picture. Pastor Albert offered the water-purification machine to us. I was suffering from the athlete’s foot. So, to try the machine, I started using the purified water on my foot; and, to my surprise, I got healed from the disease. I am completely freed from it. (3) A pastor in Panama says, “It’s difficult to gauge the exact number of people who have given their lives to Jesus, but we can say that hundreds of people have come to the feet of Christ through this chlorine generator.”
Pastor Saidi’s church, the Republic of the Congo, is celebrating their 10th Church Anniversary November 23–28. There will be 350 visiting pastors in attendance. They all will receive a water purifier, a solar panel, and a battery. This is a helpful tool to bring the Living Water into their villages.
Volunteers are assembling 2,000 water purifiers in my basement in Washington, Iowa. This lowers the cost of each system from $227 to just $68.
Brother James Heltebran and I will be traveling to join up with Pastor Menyon of Liberia this January 2022. The water-purification systems have been sent ahead. We will distribute them in Liberia and the Ivory Coast, concentrating on Muslim villages.
Pure water is short $55,000 this month. Unpaid systems cost $100 each, including air freight, solar panel, and battery. We sent 350 systems to the Republic of the Congo, and another 200 were shipped to Liberia.
Thank you to my many generous donors and prayer warriors. Without prayers and the power of God, my efforts are futile. May Jesus be glorified.
God’s water boy,
John Hays
- A village in Monrovia where Pastor George Menyon plans to start another church
- This person used the purified water on his athlete’s foot and was cured.
- A pastor in Panama states that hundreds of people have come to Christ because of the water-purification system.