I am pleased to announce that after 11 months of deputation, we have 51% of our needed support coming in. At the rate God has been giving us support, our goal is to be in Nigeria for the 30th Anniversary of Port Harcourt Independent Baptist Church on January 26, 2025. It will take a lot to make that happen, but God has been opening a lot of doors for us. In the month of March alone, we were in 15 different churches.
Recently, while preaching at Ballard Baptist Church of Ballard, West Virginia, a young lady raised her hand to accept Christ. Also, while out soul winning near Philadelphia Baptist Church of Greensboro, North Carolina, we met a man who attended another Baptist church in the area who asked me to talk to his 10-year-old son. With God’s grace, I was able to witness to both the son and four of his friends who were playing football in the yard. Praise God for Jackson B, Sawyer, Jackson K, Tre, and Owen all accepting Christ as Saviour. I met Adrian while soul winning with my daughter Carina near North Park Baptist Church of Walden, Colorado. He had just pulled into the driveway and parked his blue pickup truck when we approached him. He stated that he didn’t know for sure he would go to Heaven when he died but wanted to know. Despite the cold weather, he listened to the Gospel for a good 10-plus minutes and then bowed his head to accept Christ.
My hernia surgery is still scheduled for April 15. Please continue to pray for there to be no complications, for my recovery, and for us not to miss any scheduled meetings. Please also pray that we raise our needed support and for our health and safety as we travel. Lastly, please pray for the continued spiritual growth of the converts listed above.
Working hard to bring fruit to your account,
Jeremy, Sandra, Carina, Barrett, Henry, & Alex Barker