These two months have been busy working on some back-burner projects. First, we were finally able to get a real answer on our church property. I found Leopold, a Christian in the land-mapping office, who could help us and who also happened to love our radio. So, after meeting with him for many hours over a couple of days, we found that our property was indeed swampland. But just recently in July, the Rwandan government reassessed the area, so it is now considered “passive recreational area.” I don’t know fully what that means yet; but at least we can do something with it, and we will not lose our money.
So now after 3½ years of waiting, official land titles are now being printed for our area! Amen! We can finally start the real ownership transfer that we tried to do years ago. It has been a long time waiting, but God has His own timetable that we must have faith in.
Also, we spent a lot of time working on our prayer-letter system. Now Sarah, Angela’s sister in Toledo, is sending out our prayer letters. We apologize for delays in getting out the most recent two prayer letters, but there were many unexpected obstacles to overcome in getting everything set up. We also spent a great amount of time making sure our list was accurate. Please accept our apologies if your church or name was somehow lost from the list. For any address corrections, please contact me directly via email.
With our new tower in Karonji, the government recommended that we rent space on the government radio tower. But after checking, rent will cost about $40,000 PER YEAR! But surprisingly, the high cost quoted will actually help us get permission to build our own tower. The law says that if renting is much higher than building new, then permission must be given to build. So, please keep praying about this. Things move so very slowly here. It actually took many calls, visits, and more than a month just to get that rental quote.
Thank you again for your regular prayers and support. In the last two months, we saw 27 saved, 6 professions, and 103, that we know of, saved through the radio.
In His service,
Gregg, Angela, Caleb, Hannah, Timothy, Virginia, Micah, and Zachery Schoof