It is amazing how fast time goes by. It seems like just yesterday we dropped off our first two children at college and started traveling. Well, they have already finished one semester, and we have traveled far and have been in so many meetings presenting our ministry. We rejoice that we found new churches to support us and pray that we will be at 100% support by the time furlough is over.
We are now starting preparations to go back to Uganda. We are looking to go back at the end of March. Please pray that we can get enough clothes, shoes, and whatever else we need to last four years. Angela is now ordering curriculum so the children can be happy there!
I still have the equipment from our radio in Rwanda that we can put to use, but I want to take back radio equipment to start at least 4 more radio stations. It is much better if I can take things with me than it is if I have to ask for things to be sent later.
I thought it would be good to give churches the opportunity to let me make use of any old, outdated equipment they may not need any more, you know, that piece of equipment that has been sitting in the closet gathering dust for the past five years that no one knows what to do with. Let me put it to use.
So, please look at the list I sent and see if there is something your church could send. If not, then please consider taking up a special offering to help me purchase what is necessary. So far, we have had about $12,500 given for radio equipment. The time is now short. I need to place orders very soon to get everything together before we leave.
Truly, God has given us a wide open door in Uganda. Thank you again for your interest in our ministry and for your prayers and support.
In His service,
Gregg, Angela, Caleb, Hannah, Timothy, Virginia, Micah, and Zachery Schoof