The spirit and urgency of Hebrews 10:25, “. . . and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching,” is really starting to hit home as our furlough draws closer. It seems that we make list after list of things to do before we leave, we work hard on the list, but the list only grows! We want to make sure that everything is in top running condition before we leave. So we have been busy fixing machines, training workers, counseling leaders on what to do, and adding an extra room to our studio.
Next we have to go to Uganda to buy six to eight deep-cell batteries for the UPS system. The batteries we have are now six years old and deader than dead–which is not just dead but really dead! That will cost about $2,800 for eight batteries.
We are happy that soul winning is up these past two months. Michael has started coming regularly and has won 16 people to the Lord in one month. Another soul winner, Lillian, had a great day recently when some children on the street started gathering around me and my kids just for fun. I called over to Lillian to come and talk to them. She happily led 15 of them to Christ.
Angela and the kids are rejoicing that they just finished the school year. They all did very well and are looking forward to a break. It is hard to believe that Micah and our little Zachery will both be starting third grade–they grow so fast! And the older ones are developing real Christian character and godliness.
Both Caleb and Timothy want to be preachers, and Hannah is a straight-A student, while doing great with piano and helping Angela teach. Virginia did great at school and is still Daddy’s little girl. Thank you again for your regular prayers and support. In January and February, we saw 50 people trust Christ and 110 saved through the radio.
In His service,
Gregg, Angela, Caleb, Hannah, Timothy, Virginia, Micah, and Zachery Schoof