Spring has arrived here in Lima, Peru! We have experienced several wonderful, sunny days recently and are excited to be leaving the gray skies behind for a few months! We realize that this letter comes to you a bit sooner than normal, but we wanted to make our prayer warriors aware of some exciting opportunities that we have coming up in the next couple of months.
On November 14, Team Peru will hold another workshop for church-planting pastors. At our last workshop, many pastors expressed to us the desire for training on the topic of the pastoral family. So for this workshop, we will address this issue, focusing primarily on teaching about marriage. We ask that you pray fervently for this workshop. We are so excited about what God is doing with these humble families who are serving Him.
Another item of prayer is our Spring Program, which is coming up in the next couple of weeks in San Gabriel. The dates for our program this year are October 25 – November 29. We will focus this year on the theme “Those Whom Jesus Loved.” Each Sunday will feature a certain group of people, such as children, they that mourn, the world (missions), and the church. We are begging God to do great things through our church during this program. The leaders of the church have taken the bulk of the responsibility for this program, and we hope to see them grow spiritually. We also hope to see many people take on new service for the Lord at this time. Please pray that many will be saved, that many families will be added to the church, and that the church family will grow spiritually.
While working with the church-planting pastors here in Lima, I met a pastor whose church is located immediately outside the gates of the world’s second-largest cemetery, Nueva Esperanza. This pastor began to describe to me how thousands of people pass by and congregate around his church building annually on the Peruvian holiday of the “Day of the Dead.” He expressed to me how he would like to reach these people with the Gospel and asked if I would like to help with this effort. Of course, I agreed, and we recently got together to plan an evangelistic campaign for the weekend of October 31 and November 1. We would like to ask all of our prayer supporters to pray specifically for these events pertaining to this exciting opportunity.
(1) An evangelistic service will be held from 6 p.m. -10 p.m. on Saturday in the park outside the cemetery. The municipality has provided the park, the stand, a PA system, etc. Please pray that many will come to Christ. (2) Soul winning will be conducted by teams from Bro. Mark Rader’s church in Surco and our church in San Gabriel all day on Sunday. Please pray for the Holy Spirit’s power and for health, safety, and great numbers of souls to be saved. (3) Special tracts addressing the “Day of the Dead” will be printed. Please pray that they will be used of God to bring many to the Saviour.
If you would like to be involved financially in this weekend of outreach, please contact us via email or telephone. Our number is (219) 262-3089, or you can give directly through our mission board; just note “tracts” on your gift.
We will be having an all-night prayer meeting at our church in San Gabriel this weekend. We know that without the power of Christ, our work is in vain. We ask that you join us in praying for these upcoming special events and that Christ would be glorified in all that we do. Your prayers and support are so important to us. Thank you for your faithfulness. Because of the prayers of God’s people, more than 31 people trusted Christ this past month in the ministries of IBI San Gabriel. Many lives are being changed for God’s glory. Thank you for continuing to pray.
His for souls,
Zach and Karin Foust
Zachary, Caleb, and Logan
- Please pray for our upcoming Pastors’ Conference.
- A recent funeral of a church member at Cemetery Nueva Esperanza
- Please pray for our Spring Program.