Before moving to Brazil, our family was blessed to hear Dr. Lee Roberson preach a message on “Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing.” After the service, I approached him to ask him what the “Main Thing” was. As only the great veteran of the faith, who moved to Heaven at the age of 97, could do, he slowly placed both hands on my shoulders, while looking me straight in the eyes, and replied, “Soul winning!” As the soul-winning pastor at Igreja Batista Nova Vida in Taubaté, Saõ Paulo, I thrill to watch how the Holy Spirit draws men to understand their need to accept Jesus as their personal Saviour! “. . . fruit that may abound to your account.” (Philippians 4:17)
During the past two-plus years, we have gotten gas at the same Shell station. My goal is always to befriend the attendants while they are pumping our gas. During this time, I’ve asked them their names, talked to them briefly about their families, given them Gospel tracts, invited them to church, asked for some of their phone numbers, etc. Late Wednesday night on June 12, I began receiving messages from one of them. Valdinei, who wrote that he needed to talk, met me at our home early the next morning. After about an hour- to hour-and-a-half-long conversation, he understood that he needed Christ as the foundation for his life and moments later prayed to accept Jesus as his only hope for Heaven. That Saturday, Alex Leon (one of our faithful men) and I stopped briefly, amid several visits, to meet Valdinei’s two sons, one daughter, mother, and sister. As he had agreed, he and his children drove to church the next morning. After Sunday school and church, we were able to talk with his children about their need to be saved, and the oldest son Ewerton asked Jesus to save him. Please PRAY with us for this father to continue to grow in his new faith and to seek godly wisdom in rearing his three children: Ewerton, Samira, and Jhonatan.
The same Saturday and Sunday were unforgettable days for Luis, whose 18-year-old daughter Thalita has been coming to church faithfully for nearly two years. Amid the several visits on that Saturday, June 15, the Holy Spirit prompted us to go by Thalita’s home, even though she would be at work. We found Luis calmer than we had ever seen him, and when I invited him to go with Alex and me to the nursing home, to my utter astonishment, he agreed. At the nursing home, Alex spent the time talking with Luis while I visited our friends inside the home. Luis was not ready to trust Jesus but agreed to come to church the next day. He honored his word and came to the evening service, along with Vera, Thalita’s mother. Thalita’s parents have not lived together for several years, but they had a peaceful time that evening. During the invitation, Dawn witnessed to Vera, and Alex witnessed to Luis. The mother said she had recently trusted Christ, but Luis listened with his ears and heart. After trusting Jesus, he told Alex that he had no doubts about his salvation! He returned two weeks later, but please PRAY with us that he will continue to allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through his life.
Our family is in the United States for four months. We hope to see as many of you as possible to thank you for your prayers and sacrificial giving! Here is the link for our newest church video:
Dave + Dawn, Karlene, and Zachary