Hello everyone! By now, we should be well into our year of 2024. Already, it has been quite exciting! We ended last year with 180 salvation decisions. We are off with a bang, with 11 more decisions for Christ. Another exciting development is that we have some men in our church who are out soul winning with me nearly every week. The church is filling up, and 27 visitors have already come through the door. God is using the messages and Bible studies in many lives! The children’s ministries are keeping Mary Beth busy. We are starting the year by dividing classes and adding new workers to the mix. The seeds sown during the extremes of COVID are now bearing fruit in dedicated Christian workers.
Daniel and Family on Deputation
Daniel was ordained at FBC Hammond. It was a tearful occasion to watch online from our side of the pond in the early morning hours, but we can see that God is working to prepare and send Daniel and Rachel. Recently, Daniel informed us that they have nearly 70% of their support raised. This means that they are well more than halfway through their deputation. Praise God! They are now working on visas for Rachel and Ruby and would like everyone to pray for this process, especially as they wade through the many new UK restrictions and requirements.
Christmas Was Amazing!
Our church family did such an amazing job with the many activities over the Christmas season. The children’s ministry was very blessed by the keen planning and preparation of one of our best “shoppers.” We never underestimate the value of loving Christians who think their way into the needs of others. It was sweet to see our church members rejoicing over their visitors attending the Christmas Eve Carol Service. They are truly a loving and giving people.
More Solt Family Blessings!
We were very blessed that Josh came home for Christmas. God is working in his life, and we can see that Josh is growing closer to God than ever. God is so good! We continue to pray as he serves in the church in Iowa. Mondays are sweet, as we get to hear of the blessings!
And another huge blessing from Christmas is that Jeremy and Ashley got engaged! This is a special time for them to enjoy and to prepare for their August wedding. May God richly bless them. We look forward to having the family together for Jeremy’s graduation this spring. Meanwhile, he has hard work to finish courses and work jobs.
Please pray for the UK! May God raise up Christians in leadership who will stand for Biblical morals and values. The situation in Israel is creating an excuse for the rise of opposing forces here as well. We were happy to receive so many cards and some “sweet” parcels. Once
again, our many thanks to all of our friends and family for your prayers, love, and sacrificial giving for the cause of Christ and for missions.
Yours for souls,
The Solt Family
- Josh came home for Christmas!
- Jeremy and Ashley got engaged!
- Daniel was ordained at the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana.