Darrell and Buffy Ratcliff Prayer Letter: A Great Summer Evangelistic Campaign!We are so excited about what God is doing, and we are so grateful for all the faithfulness in your love, prayers, and support that are helping us to reach precious souls for the Lord.

As many of you know, one of the desires of my heart is to take groups of young people from good Bible institutes and churches down here in Mexico to travel with me to help churches in evangelistic campaigns from time to time. This summer, God gave me the privilege of taking 13 different people with me. Every few days, we were in a different church, so we were with 13 churches. Every day, we were doing something to reach others for Christ. God blessed; and, praise the Lord, we preached the Gospel to around 12,000 precious souls, with the majority of them trusting Christ as their Saviour! To God be all the glory!

Let me share with you a personal soul-winning story. One Sunday, a church had an early evening service. With the extra time in the evening, my family and I went soul winning because they hadn’t gotten to share Christ that day. God blessed in a powerful way. My wife got to win Enrique, Gabi, Jaci, and Abi to Christ. Later our son Michael won three kids—Rodrigo, Eleazer, and Mayra—to the Lord. Then Michael won an entire group of 7 more people. My wife then got to win Julissa, Edrick, and Mia. I wanted to enjoy the blessing as well, so I won 5 precious souls to the Lord. Then Michael won a family of 5 to the Lord. Then Buffy got to win 4 boys and another group of 8 people to the Lord. So that night, God gave us a great blessing, with 39 precious people reached through personal soul winning.

We are so excited that we are able to encourage and train churches to share the Gospel of Christ each and every day through giving out Gospel tracts and personal soul winning. We also emphasize the importance of mass evangelism, as illustrated by the early church in the book of Acts and also by the lives of Paul, Peter, and others. Of course, the Lord Jesus Christ was a great example of personal evangelism and also of preaching to the multitudes. I have tried to teach and preach that we should follow the great Biblical pattern of reaching people through personal evangelism and mass evangelism. In regards to training others, I would ask that you please pray that God would use our website, PredicaACristo.com, where we have free videos, audios, books in digital form, and other materials for the furtherance of the Gospel here in Mexico and around the world.

Please pray fervently for our upcoming evangelistic campaigns and projects to take the Gospel to the lost. We are so thankful for all you do to help us to reach others for the Lord.

Yours for souls,

Darrell Ratcliff
Philippians 4:13