Health Update
I have purposely delayed this prayer letter so we could include a medical update for Kay and me. After completing three months of bi-weekly appointments, we can report that both of us are feeling much better, and my only serious issue is the neuropathy in my feet and lower legs. I am living daily with a constant nagging pain but have found a local naturopathy center with an 88% success rate. Because of the nature of the treatment, health insurance will not cover this, so I’ll need to come up with about $5,000 for the procedures. Please pray that the Lord will provide a way for me to begin to get some relief.
Mangyan Tribal Church
By faith, we have begun to help the tribal church on Mindoro to build a native church building. We still need about $1,100 to complete this first of two meeting places. Land has been cleared, and they have begun purchasing material for this project.
RAN Missionary Begins Discipleship Training
One of our first graduates of the Gospel Baptist College in Bacolod City has taught for a few years in a RAN (Random Access Nation). She is now using the Foundations of Faith discipleship lesson in her teaching with new converts in her school. One Burmese and two Filipino pastors have also begun using these lessons in their churches. Please pray for the growth of these new believers.
Burmese Church Planter Reports
He was a fisherman. On the day he got saved, he changed; he stopped his occupation. Since that time, he follows me wherever I go. I told him that he should not do that. He said to me, “I’m 58 years old and did what Satan wanted for 58 years. From now on, I start doing what God wants.”
TAN Is Reaching Out
It has been a pleasure to work with Dr. Ed Tutton of Teaching All Nations by helping him to complete the layout of the entire course material for TAN. We are now helping TAN to reach out to missionaries and national pastors who have shown an interest in this training in the past. Pray that we may be able to help in the starting of scores of new Bible colleges in the days ahead. I have also made myself available for some online training with a group of pastors for the Philippines and one RAN.
Brianna has just celebrated her 13th birthday and in a couple of weeks will begin her 8th grade of homeschooling. She has become quite an avid reader and accomplished artist. She is a precious young lady who loves the Lord, and Kay and I cannot imagine life without her.
We have some upcoming meetings, and we covet your prayers as we travel and for the ability to be a challenge and a blessing to the churches. We appreciate your continued prayers and financial support.
Charlie, Kay, and Brianna Vest