Thank you for partnering with us! God is working here in West Africa!
Trip to Sierra Leone
On February 19, I was able to take Josiah with me to Sierra Leone. We started our time there with a four-day Soul-Winning Training Conference. About 60 pastors and church workers came for the conference. It was such a blessing to see the people get excited about the soul- winning plan I taught them. Many of the pastors have started having a weekly soul-winning time in their churches now. Please pray for these churches to reach their communities for Christ.
After the Soul-Winning Training Conference, we went to visit our Bible college graduate, Pastor David Brooks, who has started a church in the village of Gbaniga. Pastor Brooks has a vision to reach villages in Sierra Leone for Christ. He has started a small school and a Bible study in the village of Njogbema in addition to the new church he has started in Gbaniga. In Gbaniga, the church meets under a mango tree. The Sunday I visited him, about 120 people came to the service under the mango tree. One of the men in the village has offered to give Pastor Brooks several plots of land for him to use for the ministry. Pastor Brooks is planning to build a church building, as well as a home for orphans and needy children, on the land. Please pray for the finances needed for these building projects. Please pray for Pastor Brooks to have strength and wisdom to continue to reach souls for Christ in remote villages in Sierra Leone. Also, just recently, Pastor Brook’s son got very sick and passed away. Please pray for comfort for Pastor Brooks and his wife as they grieve the loss of their only child.
Faithful Men Training Program
We recently had 5 new men join our Faithful Men training program! We have our first student from the DRC and 4 new students from Liberia. We now have 20 men in training. These men are enrolled in our Bible college and receive on-the-job training to serve the Lord.
SMITE Youth Camp
Please pray for our upcoming SMITE (Student Missions Institute for Training in Evangelism) Youth Camp April 15-19. We have over 140 young people from 10 different churches planning to come and learn how to reach children through Bible Clubs.
In Christ,
Charles, Lindsey, and Josiah Osgood
- School Building in Njogbema
- Church Service in Gbaniga
- New Faithful Men
- Church Members in Gbaniga
- Pastor Brooks’ Family
- Teaching Session