Thank you for your faithful financial and prayer support!
Singles’ Outreach in Foase
On January 28, our church singles had an activity at our daughter church in the town of Foase. Church members at our main church in Kumasi donated clothing and household items to give to the people of Foase. Pastor Otchere Boachie organized the members in Foase to invite visitors to come so that we could share the Gospel with them and give the donated items to them. About 150 visitors came! We were able to preach the Gospel to them, and many trusted Christ as their Saviour! Please pray for Pastor Otchere and the Fundamental Baptist Church of Foase. Pray that God will use them to help these new converts to be established in the faith and to be disciples of Christ.
Anniversary Service at Daughter Church
On December 11, I had the privilege to preach the 5-year anniversary for the Fundamental Baptist Church of Petrensa, led by Pastor Isaac Owusu Ansah. Pastor Ansah has received training in our Bible college, our ministry supports him, and we are helping him to construct a church building for his church. It was a blessing to see souls that have been reached through the ministry of one of our daughter churches. Please pray for Pastor Ansah and the members of the church to reach Petrensa for Christ.
On January 21, one of my neighbors, Charles Owusu, stopped me on my way to church. He told me that he would like for his family to attend our church. I was able to visit him on Sunday afternoon and share the Gospel with him, and he was happy to trust Christ. He works as a security guard and was unable to come to church this past Sunday. However, I was able to bring his two sons, Prince and Anderson, to church. Please pray for Charles, his wife Fati, and their two sons, Prince and Anderson, to be established in the faith and to join our church and be Christ’s disciples.
On January 21, I was able to witness to a university student named Majesty Adomako. He was ready and willing to trust Christ as his Saviour! I was later able to visit him and confirm his understanding of salvation. He came to church this past Sunday. Please pray for Majesty to follow Christ in baptism and be Christ’s disciple.
The harvest is so plenteous here, but the laborers are few! Please pray for more men and women to serve the Lord here in Ghana!
In Christ,
Charles, Lindsey, and Josiah Osgood
- Witnessing to a visitor at the singles’ activity in Foase
- Many trusted Christ during the singles’ activity in Foase.
- Sharing the Gospel during the singles’ activity in Foase
- Visitors getting saved during the singles’ activity in Foase
- Church service in Petrensa