Thank you very much for your prayers and encouragements! We had several prayer requests throughout the month which were answered. One of our five-month-old baby boys had to be in the hospital ICU for 10 days. Many prayed for him, and the Lord healed, as he has recovered and is at home now. Also, the cost of the hospital stay was surprisingly low, helping the family tremendously. Throughout September, some of our church staff had sicknesses, from which everyone is healing or better. This is always a big answer to prayer, as a church low on staff can be difficult. Lastly, one of our faithful men passed on to Heaven. Kun Dang, age 52, had a heart attack while riding his motorcycle. He was very faithful to church and a light for me, seeing him come to church and encourage others for over 10 years. He was a hard worker and was loved by many, as the church members quickly raised the money necessary to cover funeral costs and the remembrance food and fellowship for all in the evening. I had the honor of praying and giving some testimonies of Kun Dang, encouraging others to be faithful in the Lord to the end, the way Kun Dang was faithful. The Bible explains it best in Ecclesiastes 7:8, “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof . . . .” Kun Dang had a proper Christian burial, which is not an easy thing to do here. Most people undergo cremation, as the lands are rarely zoned to be cemeteries. We give God the glory in all of these blessings. Although we lost a good man, we lost a man whom God used to motivate us, and we know he’s well in Heaven.
Throughout the month of September, God blessed with strong attendances, first-time visitors, and salvations. We just continue on with a full schedule of “following the Lord,” and God gives the blessings. Being in both churches regularly, I enjoy seeing the wonderful spirit and attitude of the church staff and members. Our Nong Phlap church had one Sunday of 125 in attendance, while the other Sundays ranged between 105 and 115. September marks the fourth consecutive month where our attendance never fell below 100 on a Sunday. What an encouragement it is to visit and go soul winning when you know a lot of folks want to come to the church every week to learn and grow. For the months of August and September combined, 53 souls were saved personally out soul winning or after the church services.
October will lead us into our “Reach Your Jerusalem” month, which is taking place at both churches. Please pray for first-time visitors, salvations, and joyous growth in following the Lord. Both churches have a mix of promotions and programs based on the budgets and preferences of the congregations. Program time is something built into our circuitry. We ask for the Lord’s help—and your prayers too—in bringing them in!
The year 2022 marks our 14th year as missionaries to Thailand. The direction God has given at this point is to revisit the States in the fall of 2025 to partner with more churches, while updating our current supporters. We thank our churches, as they have been faithful to support us financially with many more who are faithful in prayer. We always count it a blessing to have your prayers, sacrifices, giving, and heart for missions!
As we continue to go out four to five times each week, canvassing and visiting, every outing is an opportunity for soul winning and to see someone trust and believe in the Saviour. A John & Romans, an invitation to church, prayers, and follow-ups complete the process. Last Friday, we met Kris, a 37-year-old man. His mom was in the hospital nearby and was struggling. Kris was trying to find ways to help his mom, so he was offering to do professional drawings of people to raise money. He was an experienced artist and genuinely seeking help from people to help his mom. Since time was on his side, we asked if we could explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ with him. About midway into the Gospel, he realized we were giving him the knowledge of salvation, a greater gift than anything else that could be given. Kris had spent the last several weeks asking scores of people to give towards his needs, but the tides turned in his heart and countenance when he realized that God wanted to give to him, at no financial cost whatsoever, His salvation. He immediately wanted to believe in Jesus and earnestly prayed for forgiveness and a home in Heaven. Kris now has the peace that passes all understanding.
Grateful to serve,
Bro. Chad Inman & Family
- One of two main services at Nong Phlap
- Burmese sisters, Abuat (age 17) and Dethekaa (age 27) got saved.
- My three blessings going soul winning and eating ice cream
- Chuen and Choon (ages 47 and 93) saved
- Kris, 37, upon salvation
- Kung Dang’s funeral with many encouragers
- Junior Church with Sarah at our Nong Phlap church
- Sow and family got saved.