We hope God is taking good care of you all. We thank you for the many kind cards and notes of encouragements throughout the past weeks. It is a blessing to know that our Godly friends overseas pray for us, the ministry, and the souls of Thailand. We know firsthand that your prayers make a difference as we serve the Lord. Thailand as a country is busier now, closer to what it was in 2019. For those of us in the ministry, this means there are more people to reach and more work to do, which is a good thing. Please pray for us missionaries in the areas of clarity, focus, ability, and consistency.
Soul Winning
Friday mornings are just one of our set times when we go soul winning. After being prayed up and “coffeed” up, we take to the streets, alleys, lanes, twists, and turns, taking time to explain the Gospel to anyone with ears to hear. It is certainly not automatic that people are saved. Many or most are hearing the Gospel for the first time, and some want to think about this opportunity, while others have no desire to wait to ask Jesus to save their souls. One area/zone in particular, poor in nature, has a few tables and almost always 3-8 people sitting around, chatting or playing a game. Over the past 4 years, we have attempted to witness in this area (almost always different people there), but we usually are interrupted and end up thanking them and asking them to read the Gospel tract over when they have uninterrupted time at home. We never know the exact outcome that will come from faithfully giving the Gospel to even unaccepting recipients. We simply talk to those we encounter, regardless of history or appearance. Today, surprisingly, no people were in this little area. Through a shadowed doorway right next door sat a woman. Star asked if she would have time for us to explain the Gospel story. Mint, age 32, was so completely ready to hear the Gospel and be saved. She was sitting just a few steps from the tables where we had given the Gospel, seemingly unsuccessfully, at least 5 different times. Mint happily, joyfully, and with eyes gleaming asked for her soul to be forgiven and trusted in the One Who could give her eternal life. This was the first time she had ever heard the Gospel. In a heavily populated section of small dwellings with poor living conditions, this young lady was waiting for Jesus to save her. We are so blessed to be serving here. A short time later, we found an 80-year-old, bedridden lady in a similarly styled home. She was also ready to hear the Gospel and be saved. Up in age, she was very attentive and understanding for the 10-15 minutes of going through the Gospel. It was almost an accident that we even walked down the hidden alley to where she was living—but there are no accidents with God. She thanked us and thanked God. Sometime later, New, age 40, a motorcycle deliveryman, listened intently on the street under a tree, as he didn’t have any orders or calls. His phone never rang as we gave the truth from the Word of God to his hungry soul. His manner of speech indicated he was overqualified for his delivery job, but with much humility, New prayed and asked for forgiveness and for Jesus to save his soul. People in Southeast Asia are looking for the answers the world blinds them from. Please pray for more souls to be saved here.
Nong Phlap, 163 – May 12
Just a couple of weeks ago, our Nong Phlap church had a big day, without any organized big-day event. We have had to increase our budgets to take care of the increase in folks wanting to come learn the Bible and grow in the Lord. What a great thing it is! Although our buildings are smaller, we are able to fit everyone in two morning services, outside seating, and seating all the way up the stairs and into the second-floor hallway with joyful willingness. Our church members do a good job of making room for visitors and newer members. Wednesday night attendances have been above 50, as we are now into discipleship lesson #64 of Teaching All Nations. Adults and teens are discipled, while the children have a dedicated program next door, which Sarah pours her heart into. Her class is more fun than mine, but that’s okay.
Teen Activity – May 18 at Our House
Our Nong Phlap church hosted a teen activity, with 16 young people attending. We had a time of games, singing, preaching, praying, and eating. Badminton here is more like a sport, and we had an organized tournament towards the end of the activity. We are blessed with great young people who are faithful to God. Please pray for them as they start their school year (Thailand starts up in May). As a church, we want to give the teens extra attention and teaching to help them through to the winning side.
Our Kids
Harmony will soon be 15 and is going into tenth grade. She continues to learn piano, crochet, and enjoy attending and serving in the ministries. Autumn just turned 13 and will soon enter eighth grade. Autumn likes to teach, play piano, crochet, and come up with activities for the ministry. Forest is now 11, going into sixth grade. Forest is learning guitar and is up for about anything that involves physical activity. All of our kids enjoy church and family times. They are growing in the Thailand culture and language. We are blessed with children who are humble, pray and read their Bibles daily, and are thankful for what God has given them. Please pray for their safety, health, and growth in the Lord.
Nong Phlap Church Building Fund
We already own the land. If God would have you make a donation for the buildings, please send your donation to FBMI, #6480 “Nong Phlap,” 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, or through the online option, Fund: Nong Phlap 6480.
Thank you all for your part in the work of missions. May God bless you much as you serve and follow Him.
Bro. Chad Inman & Family
- Neawin, age 62, saved (wife saved years ago)
- Teen activity – singing
- Teen activity – worm race
- Teen activity – after the badminton tournament
- Harmony and Autumn’s crocheting creations
- Kit, age 53, saved
- Forest and his guitar
- Birthday party after church
- Newer members
- On May 12, we had a big day of 163 in attendance at our Nong Phlap church.
- Mom of Bible Club student saved
- Suwit and Chompoo saved
- Nueng and Kate saved
- Kit’s wife Rueng – saved already
- Family visiting
- Teaching English at language school
- Rain after a long hot season
- Forest’s birthday
- Faithful family
- Teen activity – introduction