I pray that this letter finds you in good health and full of God’s blessings. We are blessed here in Canada, and we are thankful for your continued support. Because of the winter temperatures, we’ve had to make adjustments to our visitation program and go to more of an appointment-to- appointment approach rather than a door-to-door approach. This has brought us some fruit that was such a blessing. During this time, I was able to see my neighbour Rob get saved. I had been praying for an opportunity to be able to witness to him and his family, and God practically dropped it into my lap one day when Rob asked me a random Bible question: “What day was Adam born?” I gave him the answer, and more biblical questions/discussion ensued, perfectly leading us toward my question for him: “If you died today, do you know 100% for sure that you would go to Heaven?” He didn’t know, so we set up a Saturday appointment to talk about it. Over Tim Horton’s coffee and donuts, we went over what the Bible said about salvation. After taking Rob through the Scriptures, he bowed his head and trusted Jesus as his Saviour! As of this writing, we have begun to meet on Saturday mornings for coffee and discipleship. Please pray for his continued growth, as he is very eager and hungry to learn the Bible. Please pray also for the rest of his family to be saved. Other appointments we’ve made have helped us build stronger relationships with some of our church members. These appointments have also been opportunities to minister and be a blessing to folks. In each case, God has provided us a unique opportunity to try to be a blessing.
Our youth program, teenIMPACT, is also moving along nicely. Our teenagers have been learning different principles of soul winning over these past several weeks that we want them to implement in April when we start up our midweek door-to-door soul winning again. In December, I issued a challenge to them to memorize 15 verses they can use to lead someone to Christ. February 28 was the deadline for them not only to have all of the verses quoted but also to use those verses and the techniques we’ve covered to take us through the Bible and “lead” my wife and me to Jesus. They did quite well in their presentations and have showed great progress. In completing the challenge, the teens have earned their own personalized Soul-Winner’s New Testament. Please pray that they will use it for many years in leading many people to Jesus.
I was also blessed to be asked to teach a Prophecy 101 session in our afternoon services during January and February. This was a great opportunity for me, because I, too, learned a lot of things in my studies and preparation to teach. The goal was to show the urgency that we need to have in sharing the Gospel because we don’t know when our time on earth is over and because of the horrible judgments that will come on those who are left behind. This series segues perfectly into March, our Missions Month, and then into April, where I’ll begin teaching Personal Evangelism for several months. My prayer is that all of the church family will see the need to be more avid soul winners and come to learn about becoming one.
Please keep praying for my dad’s cancer and salvation. Please keep praying for the salvation of many others in my family as well. Thank you all for the prayers and kind words you’ve sent me regarding my dad’s condition. He’s completed his first round of radiation with no abnormal complications. Praise the Lord!
To God be the glory,
Brian Hebert