The 12th of this month marked my and Ali’s 10th years of marriage! To celebrate, I was able to surprise Ali with a trip on the train to Mombasa, where we stayed for about three days! It was a good time for Ali and me to have just a few days to rest and focus on each other. I’m thankful for the 10 years of marriage God has given us together and with our little family, and we look forward to the future together! Thank you all for the anniversary wishes and cards as well!
At the beginning of this month, Missionary/Team Member Peter Morris had his PPTA (Pastors’ Practical Training Academy), with about a dozen or so pastors from all over Kenya. I was able to come and teach on one of those days, and it has been a blessing to see the excitement and growth in these pastors as they take what they have learned back to their own people and churches!
Discipleship with Lewis has been going well. As you read from our previous prayer letter, Lewis and I just finished up about six weeks of going over how to witness to others effectively. It has been exciting to see Lewis’ growth and now his desire to go out and tell others about Christ! This month, we went out actively soul winning together for the first time since the completion of his courses. This first time out, I led the soul winning and asked Lewis to listen and learn all that he could. After a little more than three hours out, we were blessed to see three people (Felix, Elizabeth, and John Brown) make decisions for Jesus Christ! I was happy to see each of these individuals turn to Christ alone, but what was more joyous for me was seeing Lewis’ excitement!
Afterwards, we sat down to talk about what he had learned, and I found out that he had even recorded all of the conversations from his phone so that he would listen to them later and learn more from each conversation! Wow! I am so thankful for Lewis’ passion for the Gospel and his desire to learn more about the Lord!
Lastly, this month marked a new beginning for our family, as we started the Acacia Bible Study of Kitengela from our home. We started it the first Sunday afternoon of this month and have been averaging around four or five people each Sunday afternoon. Through this local Bible study, we have been blessed to see two people make decisions for Christ in just the first month! Please continue to pray for Acacia Bible Study and that God will keep bringing others from our neighborhood to the study so that they can hear the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and receive the gift of eternal life.
As always, thank you for your faithful prayers and support. May God use each of us this year to continue to point others to Jesus Christ.
Your co-laborers for lost souls across East Africa,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah, and Esther
Romans 10:14
My name is Lewis. I am a scout at Friends of Karura Forest – Nairobi, and conserving the natural resources is my day job. On the 15th of August 2022, I vividly remember this day because there was a major happening specifically in my country of Kenya, since the results of the general elections were being announced. I was on duty on this particular day despite the fact that there was tension all over.
It’s normal that whenever election results are announced, there must be chaos. I was going over my pocket Bible, Gideon’s version, when I met Brandon, who was at the park. He asked me if I had time so he could share the good Gospel of Christ with me. I didn’t hesitate and said yes. After sharing the good Word of God, I confessed that I was a sinner and that I was trying to find life in other people and myself, thinking that the works of my hands and brain would save me, but I was wrong. After hearing the truth, I acknowledge that He, God the Father, sent Jesus Christ to die on the Cross so that I could be saved from my sin and have eternal life. I committed to living for God instead of others.
Major happenings of success that have happened to my life since receiving salvation are . . .
1. Earlier, I had work-related problems, arrival/departure time, since I used public transportation more often. I was never relaxed, but stressed at all times. Another issue was that making or receiving official communication faster was hard because I didn’t possess a smartphone. Afterwards, I prayed at home because I now knew Whom to fully rely on and ask for help whenever in need, my able and almighty God. I had a list consisting of these things. I prayed in November 2022; and, to be honest, I’m glad to testify that on January 10, 2023, I had capacity and acquired a mountain bike and a smartphone. Glory to God!
2. Initially, I wished and wanted to own my time since I’ve been scheduling time and plans to be reading the Bible more often, but surprisingly, it happens that every now and then, I procrastinate. I’m happy to testify that since I received salvation, I spend almost all my off days dedicating 1½ to 2 hours to Bible study and getting closer to God. I’ve gone through all of the levels of the Foundations of My Faith discipleship series, which I’m really positive about the teachings I get from them. I’m grateful for fully relying on Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, because He never fails when I’m in need. Glory to God in Heaven!
- Inviting those from our area to our Bible study
- Missionary Peter Morris teaching a session at the PPTA (Pastors’ Practical Training Academy)
- Teaching the children’s class at First Baptist Church of Lavington