Thank you first and foremost for all of your prayers with regard to language school as we continue to move forward in learning. It truly is a blessing to see how far we have come! Please continue to pray; we will finish our classes on September 29!
I have continued meeting for Bible studies with Peter Morris, Lydia, and Moraine on Wednesday. This month was sad for the four of us, as we had to say goodbye to Lydia; she moved back home to Uganda. Peter and I are sad to see Lydia go, but we trust that God is going to use her in Uganda to tell others about the Lord!
At the beginning of the month, we went to a local park in Nairobi to have a family day. After hiking, the kids went to play on the playground, and I walked back to our car to drop some things off. I noticed a park guard reading a little New Testament, so I prayed and asked the Lord for help to start up a conversation in Swahili with him. Before I knew it, Lewis and I were conversing back and forth in Swahili. The Lord used me to show Lewis what true salvation through Jesus Christ is. Praise the Lord, Lewis came to place his trust in Jesus Christ alone that day! A week later, our family went back to the park to drop off some study books and a new Bible for Lewis. As Lewis and I began to talk again, he introduced me to his coworker Mercy. After talking to Mercy for quite some time and taking her through the Gospel, she, too, came to see the true Gospel and trusted Christ as her own personal Saviour! Amen and Amen! After following up with Lewis, we have arranged a day and time every week to meet for discipleship. Praise God, Lewis and I have been meeting every Friday afternoon for a few hours to study the Word of God. Please pray that Lewis and I will continue to meet every week to study the Bible and that he will continue to grow in the Word of God.
We have continued to help when needed at Missionary Charles Newton’s church. We have also enjoyed visiting other missionaries and national churches to learn all that we can as we prayerfully consider where the Lord would have us to start a church.
The last two things I would like to share from this month are that the Lord allowed me to write a short devotional book, Deputation Devotionals, from our deputation experience. We truly hope that this small devotional book will be a blessing to many people. If you would like to check it out, you can find it on Amazon either in paperback or in e-book form.
Lastly, we also started a podcast that is set up to be a discipleship series to help others better understand the truths of the Word of God. Please pray that God will use this podcast series to reach many people across East Africa; pray that it will open their eyes to the truths of the Bible.
As always, thank you all so much for your prayers and support. May you have a blessed month until we talk again!
Your co-laborers for lost souls across East Africa,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hannah & Esther Heselschwerdt
Romans 10:14
Kwanza, Asanteni kwa maombi yenu yote kwa ajili ya shule ya lugha kwa sababu tunaendelea mbele katika kujifunza na kweli imekuwa baraka kuona kuja kutoka wapi. Tafadhali endeleeni kutuombea Ali nami kwa tutamaliza darasa Septemba tarehe shirini na tisa.
Isipokuwa shule ya lugha ninaendelea kukutana na Peter Morris, Lydia na Moraine juu ya Jumatano jioni kwa ajili ya kujifunza Biblia. Mwezi huu ilikuwa huzuni kwetu kwa maana tulisema kwaheri kwa Lydia kwa sababu amerudi nyumbani, Uganda. Peter nami, tuna hizuni kuona Lydia kwenda, lakini tunaamini kwamba Mungu atamtumia katika Uganda kuambia watu kuhusu Mungu!
Mwanzo wa mwezi familia yetu nami tulienda hifadhi katika Nairobi kuwa na siku ya familia. Baada ya kupanda, watoto walienda kucheza yuu ya uwanja wa michezo nami nilitembea kurudi gari kurudisha vitu vyetu. Nilimwona mlinzi kusoma agano jipya na niliombia na kumwambia Mungu kusaidia kuanza kumsema katika Kiswahili. Kabla ya nimeijua, Lewis nami, tunasemana katika Kiswahili na Mungu Alinitumia kumwambia Lewis kuhusu wokovu ni kupitia Yesu Kristo. Asante Sana Mungu, Lewis, alija kuamini katika Yesu Kristo peke yake siku hiyo. Wiki moja baadaye familia letu kurudi hifadhi kutoa kwa
Lewis vitabu vya kusoma na Biblia mpya. Wakati Lewis nami tulisema alinitambulisha kwa Mercy ambaye alifanya kazi naye. Baada ya nilimsemia Mercy kwa muda fulani na kusema kuhusu Injili, yeye pia alija kuona ukweli kwa injili na Aliamini Kristo kama mwokozi wake! Amina na Amina! Baada ya nikamfuatilia Lewis, tulipanga siku na saa kila wiki kukutana kujifunza. Sifu ya Mungu, Lewis nami, tulikutana kila Ijumaa jioni kwa saa machachee kujifunza Neno la Mungu. Tafadhali mnaombia kwamba Lewis nami tutakutana kila wiki kujifunza Biblia na kwamba ataendelea kukua katika Neno la Mungu.
Tunaendelea kusaidia baadhi ya Jumapili wakati tunahitajika katika Kanisa la mmishonari CharlesNewton na wakati si kanisani hapo, tulifuraha kutembelea wamisionari wengine na wachugaji wa wakenya, makanisa yao, kujifunza yote tunayoweza, tunapoomba kuhusu kuanza Kanisa wapi, Mungu Akipenda. Mambo mawili ya mwisho ningependa kumwambia kutoka mwezi huu ni kwamba Mungu Aliniamini kuandika kitabu kifupi cha ibada kutoka kwa uzoefu wetu. Tunaamini kwamba kitabu kidogo hiki kitakuwa kubariki watu wengi. Ikiwa ungekipenda kitabu, halafu utakipata juu ya Amazon katika karatasi au ebook. Kitabu kinaitwa Deputation Devotionals. Mwisho, pia, tulianza podcast, ni kwa
kufundisha na kusaidia watu kufahamu ukweli wa Neno la Mungu . Tafadhali mnaomba kwamba Mungu Ataitumia kusaidia watu wengi katika mashariki Afrika na kufungua macho yao ukweli wa Biblia.
Na kila mara, Asante Sana kwa mnaomba yako na msaada na mna baraka ya mwezi mpaka tutasemana tena.
Wafanya kazi wenu kwa roho wanapotea Katika mashariki Afrika,
Brandon, Ali, Jeffrey, Hana, na Esta Heselschwerdt
Warumi mlango wa kumi na mstari wa kumi na nne
- Our new discipleship-series podcast, which is designed to help others better understand the Bible
- Visiting the Sunday morning service at another missionary’s church
- Lydia and Moraine in our Bible study
- Mwalimu (“teacher”) teaching us in Swahili
- Ali teaching the kids’ class at First Baptist Church in Lavington, Nairobi, Kenya