Our family would like to thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support in 2019. It is a blessing to represent you here in the Vancouver area. To the glory of God, we saw 69 people saved and 22 people follow the Lord in believer’s baptism! This is fruit that abounds to your account. We have entered 2020 with a new theme of “Trust and Obey”! Our verse for 2020 is Joshua 1:7, “Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee . . . .” It is our prayer that God’s people would “observe to do” everything He leads us to do.
God continues to bring an international harvest here in the Vancouver area. We recently baptized three precious people. The two ladies who were baptized are both from Iran. The young man who was baptized is from Korea. Please pray that Maliheh, Marzieh, and Andrew would continue to grow in grace. Andrew is coming out most every Saturday for our time of outreach.
Becky is currently going through a discipleship program with Maliheh and Lida. Lida is also from Iran and was saved and baptized last year. Last night, I started going through discipleship with a deaf man. We have a man in the church who knows sign language and can help with interpreting. Please pray for Chris Shay. Chris used to attend Anchor Baptist Church about five years ago. Two weeks ago, he showed up at church and has been eager to learn more and get his life back on track. In addition to Chris, we have seen three other people return to Anchor who have been away for years. Our prayer continues to be for a genuine revival amongst the church family. God is always at work!
We have our next baptismal service scheduled for March 1. Masoud and Roya (Iran) got saved in January and are planning to be baptized. Ina (Philippines) got saved in February and is also planning to be baptized. To God be all the glory!
On March 31, Brianna, Emma, and I will be joining Caleb, Abbey, and Carson to take a survey-missions trip to Uganda. The trip will last two weeks. Please pray with us for this very exciting opportunity. Caleb and I went to Uganda seven years ago. Caleb and his family are now on deputation to be missionaries in Uganda.
Thank you once again for investing in the Lord’s work here. We love you!
The Turners,
Ben, Becky, Brianna, and Emma