“And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book . . . .” (Isaiah 29:18) Back in August of 2017, we had the privilege to host a group of men from First Baptist Church of Hammond and our mission board for dinner. I recall on this evening that Dr. Siemer, a veteran missionary, began to question and counsel us on the needs of the Deaf in Ghana. After a lengthy discussion about spiritual and physical needs, he looked at us and confirmed what we already knew—the greatest need for this people is an education. After all, how does one read the Word of God without knowing how to read? How does one “hear” the Gospel message without having a language to communicate the need of salvation and the love, mercy, and grace of a Saviour?
Friends, I am happy to report that Hope Fundamental Baptist Church for the Deaf now has a school (psst . . . with potential to expand)! Currently, the school is meeting on our church property. If this were a hearing school, we could easily accommodate the space needed to educate, share God’s Word, and teach the ways of God with the children of our local community. However, this is a school for the Deaf. The Deaf are not located in a central community. Just as we have people traveling two to three hours to come to church, we have had inquiries for potential Deaf students at quite the distances away, one student being more than six hours away at one of our sister churches. We need a residential school.
Allow me introduce you to our newest student, Kwaku (pictured). He came to us after being in the main Deaf school in the Ashanti region for an entire year. We have visited that school, and unfortunately, the majority of staff do not know sign language. Upon first meeting Kwaku, my wife and I were concerned with his lack of school skills and communication. We soon found out there was no need for worry; this kid is sharper than a tack! His mother told us that he has expressed desires of being a pastor. (How we need more Deaf pastors!) We are eager to see what God will do with him and with so many other students through this much-needed ministry!
We want to present this opportunity to you to help our family and church reach, educate, and guide the next generation of Deaf Ghanaians in the ways of God. We have the people. We have a purpose. Now we need a place. If you want to be a part in this incredible opportunity, please send your donations to our FBMI account, #6117, and designate them as “Building Fund.” We are currently looking at several properties. We are not rushing into anything and are doing our due diligence to make sure everything is done legally. Our initial goal is to raise $50,000. This amount will help us secure a property.
It has come to our attention that several churches have not been receiving our updates. Thank you to the churches that have reached out. We sincerely apologize. We believe we have found the source of the problem. I have transferred all of our contacts to FBMI’s email service. If you have a preferred email or you have been receiving a hard copy and now prefer an email, then please visit our webpage, fbmi.org/missionary/hall, and subscribe to our prayer letter. We thank you for the grace extended as we navigate new schedules with new ministries and, hopefully, a quick way to resolve this situation.
Thank you for praying with us about our vehicle. A huge shout out to the churches that gave towards this. After a crazy couple of months and switching mechanics, we have a new engine in our vehicle and a new reliable mechanic! It is so nice to have a vehicle again. We are beyond blessed! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours.
Your co-laborers for Christ,
Rocky, Melanie, Rocky II, Malachi, Tyler, and Marissa Hall

Meet Kwaku, our newest student at Hope Fundamental Baptist Church for the Deaf!