We are keenly aware of how vital it is that you pray for us. Please pray for safety as we travel, for our health, and that God will continue to use us in His service.
As you can see by the enclosed picture page, the last few months have been very busy. We thank God for the privilege of ministering in all these places. God has been so good in giving us strength to maintain such a busy schedule. Please pray that He will continue to do so.
So far this year, we have been able to lead 27 people to Christ and give out over 1,000 Gospel tracts. When we are at home, we go soul winning every Thursday evening with our own church group. When we travel, we participate in the soul-winning programs of our host churches. On our picture page, you will see the first person that Emily was able lead to the Lord in Spanish.
Emily has spoken in many of the conferences in which we have been involved. Until the conference in Reynosa (see the picture page), her teaching had been in English or through an interpreter. Emily has so much to offer, and we are so glad that her Spanish is improving to the point that she is able to speak on her own.
It is a blessing to see so many of our graduates in these conferences. They are literally all over the world. Our supporters have had a part in training them.
The Fuegos de Evangelismo (“Fires of Evangelism”) Conferences are a ministry of Iglesia Bautista Betel in Bartlett, Illinois. My dear friend, Bro. Elmer Fernandez, is the pastor there. This church carries the majority of the financial burden of these conferences. Thousands of people have surrendered to full-time service in these meetings. There are now over 20 such conferences being held annually. During the rest of this year, I will be going to El Salvador, Nicaragua, and the Philippines, as well as the U. S. and Mexico, for Fuegos de Evangelismo Conferences.
In the conference in Bartlett in June, the theme was “The Fullness of the Spirit.” Almost every message and lesson dealt with the need of the power and filling of the Holy Spirit. God worked in my life and heart, as I know He did for everyone else who attended.
Betty Alice Hall has been a single-lady missionary in Mexico since 1980. She has served at Mount Hebron for over 20 years. She is a faithful soul winner. She has led ladies’ soul-winning programs and taught a Sunday school class for educable-slow ladies. On June 13, Betty suffered a brain hemorrhage. She has been hospitalized ever since and has not regained consciousness. Please pray for her. Pray that we will be able to transfer her from the government hospital she is in to a private facility, where we believe that she can receive better treatment. If you wish to contribute to her medical expenses, you can send it as you send our support. Please specify that it is for “Betty Hall.”
Again, we ask you that you continue to pray for our health and safety and that God will continue to use us.
Yours for souls,
Bro. Tommy and Emily Ashcraft
- Preaching
- Emily won Amanda, a young lady from Trinidad, to the Lord in New York.
- Graduation
- Preaching
- Graduation
- Graduation
- One of two firsts for Emily on this trip: She won Ester to the Lord, her first won completely in Spanish.
- Our new 2016 Town & Country
- Witnessing in New York
- Our March – July 2023 itinerary
- Second of Emily’s two firsts: She gave a ladies’ lesson in Spanish without the aid of an interpreter