Andrew and Laura Steers Prayer Letter: Compassion“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
II Corinthians 12:9

The previous prayer letter asked how we each tend to react to the trials which come into our lives. Paul was quick to learn a key to gaining from the Lord’s strength; hence, as we each recognize the same, this will hopefully motivate us to still exercise what our Saviour has given us, that is, compassion.

After much persistence, Eric finally returned to church as a visitor. It has been difficult for him to leave his house, as he is the sole carer for his very ill mother with multiple sclerosis. We are thankful that both have long been saved, though while his mom remains a shut-in, he struggles to get out of the house. It is a great blessing for him to be in church when he can.

As for Cory, he is still very interested in our visiting him, but as he has been so busy, it has been a challenge to find him at home. However, persistence does pay off eventually—and it will. I just need to remain faithful in pursuing him. He’s already making a tentative commitment to come to church as a visitor for a big-day event at the end of this month.

Jason and Johnny are two men who still need to be reached also with the Gospel. Catching Jason at home is proving to be a bit difficult, while Johnny is still fighting the demons from his past.

Meanwhile, as much as Laura and I both long for lost souls, health remains a continuing challenge—on entirely two different plains. The KAFO leg brace has been a huge enabler for me to get out door knocking. Amen! Except now, old Smutty Face is trying to stop me with unexpected muscle pain in my upper right chest that impacts my breathing, simply from exerting energy by walking several yards at a time (from progression of the dystonia impacting my right side). So, making targeted visits has been a must.

Prayer Requests

1. Pray that either both of us or I can catch Jason home (estranged from his wife Tina). She is not answering the front door any longer either, nor are their children. Please pray for God’s miraculous intervention in this situation.
2. Pray that Eric will get increased opportunities to visit church with us and for his mom’s healing.
3. Pray that Cory’s heart will soften to realize his need of the Saviour and get saved.
4. Pray that Johnny will overcome those demons from his past and simply recognize his own need of the Saviour. Just as crucial is prayer for the Lord to give me wisdom in how to help him see his need of the Saviour.
5. It is becoming an increasing struggle for Laura to get out of the house. Please continue to pray for God’s healing and His hand of strength to sustain her through these difficult days. It is not easy.

We are all reminded of the need to have compassion toward one another, but especially to those who still do not know the Saviour. Matthew 14:14, Mark 1:41, and Jude 22 are just a few examples of what it is to emulate Christ-likeness in the life He has already given us. Since there are no prizes for losing in this spiritual battle for the lost, let us all purpose to fight for the same. In the end, He will be our Victor, amen!

In the love of Christ,

Bro. Andrew L. Steers